Today was one of those days in the life of Rvers that makes you wonder if you are the actors in the movie
RV. Ya, even that scene with the dump, ewwwwwwwwwww.
Situations: Brand new washer/dryer was found to be “clicking” but doing nothing more. Could not open door, could not turn on, could not turn off, just sitting there clicking. Man turned power off and then back on, something reset, and it started back up. This was on dry cycle. Tonight I am doing a full load of laundry, we shall see.
Awning did not retract well. Up, down, up, down, adjust this and that, still did not retract right, we did manage to get it rolled up sufficiently to travel, but something is outta wack.
Visit to the dump, like I said, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Dumping is not the most fun part of Rving, eh?? Gotta do it. Not quite as bad as the movie, but as close as we care to experience.
Got to our new campground and we have 50 Amps, full service, water, sewer, even cable telie and - - - - - a pull through site. YA, RIGHT. NOT!!! NOT NOT NOT!!
Man started to pull in, did not like approach, asked me to get out and watch the back of Tana while he backed up. Next he started to pull into the site again. He was tight on the front, but mucho closer on the back. OKKK, the top back left was IN a tree and that tree was also just about to punch a hole through the side window over the table. Thankfully he stopped to come back and take a lookie see. He had me pull Tana forward while he held back the tree branches. I accomplished that maneuver and now we had a tree crunching the other side of Tana. So, Man held that tree back while I finished pulling Tana on to the site.
Next situation, a difficult time leveling. Got past that, and realized we had not checked for viable electric. A DUHHHHHH moment. Man got out his tester and I start hearing groans. Short of long situation, his tester was acting flakey. Our power is fine.

Photo courtesy of GoogleMaps. Blue "X" marks show the route into our campsite, starting at top, when you get to the blue "X" at bottom, turn left, proceed to top red "X" and now make very hard turn to the right. Lower red "X" is where you are pointing Big Butt's nose. Note the trees on both sides of entrance to camp site. First red "X" also marks the tree that almost went through the window.
Nope, not all pull throughs are created equal. And, this one should not be considered a pull through for Big Butt and Tana, a running 53 foot of Rving equipment. There simply is not enough room to make the turns.
Post scripts:
*So far the washer dryer is working fine, knock on wood.
**For those that might ask, does a day like today discourage you? Not a chance!
RV Having Fun Yet?? You bet, even when all pull through camp sites are not created equal.