Friday, March 26, 2010

Bellingrath Gardens and the FERRY RIDE, by Keakyfht

Man and Carol have kinda been ignoring me lately.  I can tell you, they have been a bit busy with family stuff.  Some of the other places they visit (cemeteries for cripes sakes!!), well, lets just say, I am happy to stay in Big Butt and sleep!  Will say, I was a bit disappointed they did not let me go to the Fairhope Art Festival tho.  The weather that day was outstanding, and I had to wait all day long on the dash of Big Butt.

The other day they made a trip to Bellingrath Gardens with John and Donna and ALL THOSE DOGS!!! I did a bit of whining to Carol, and even though she said there was no way she was toting me all through the gardens, she would get a photo of me outside in the parking lot. OK, beggars cannot be choosy, so they say, so, I grumbled a bit more, and agreed. She did surprise me a bit, by getting John, Donna and Man to pose with me! Yaaaa, that was not tooooooo bad, and note that live oak and all that really snifty spanish moss:

So, I took another nap in Big Butt, enjoyed listening to Man and Carol while they had their lunch break, and tended to THOSE DOGS!!  They went back into the Gardens for a few more hours.  Back in the truck after all that garden stuff, I could tell they were tired and hungry and we still had a long ride home.  They did have a surprise in store for me tho, a ride on a FERRY!  My first!  Gotta say, that was pretty neat stuff, and I got the photographic proof!

There I am, resting on the dash of Big Butt, on the ferry, and in the far middle background you can see an oil rig, looks as if it is actually 2 rigs, connected by a walkway??  Is that possible??

I hope it is not quite so long now between my reports on my 2009-2010 tour with Man, Carol and ALL THOSE DOGS!!

*That ferry ride, must have been boring to THE DOGS, they slept the whole time, while I was having the time of my life - - bout time!

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