Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dear campground personal, what rodeo?

(First of all, my apologies to Kathy of kathy's kampground kapers, whose blog I follow - - she happens to own a campground.  I cannot imagine this would happen in her campground office.)

A few points to ponder:

1.) You can pretty well assume that your patrons/campers WILL be tired and most likely out of sorts when they arrive at your campground office. They probably have had a hard week at work and/or a long days drive from point A to your campground. Some of them will arrive over tired, stressed from dealing with the crazy drivers and some might even arrive with one of their health issues all fired up.

2.) Level campsites have TWO directions, one is from side to side. The second is aft to rear, or front to back. Side to side level is great, but, if it is only off a little, it is pretty easy to correct as well. Aft to rear might be pretty easy for some rigs, big ole monster beautiful motorhomes frequently have nifty hydraulic leveling systems. Short rigs may or may not experience the same effects of aft to rear level situations as a longer monster unit. Fifth wheels can be different from travel trailers when dealing with off level sites.

3.) When a camper asks for a level site and specifies that they really want one that is level from aft to rear, or front to back, do you listen?? Do you even know what that means, that said camper requests a site long enough that they don’t have to unhook AND that they want it level front to rear, but especially NOT high in the front??

4.) When it is pointed out to you that campsite is NOT level aft to rear, by your tired and cranky camper, what do you say?? And, how?? And, could you please tell me what “Do you think this is my first rodeo?” means???

Excuse me while I take my slightly snarly attitude and go try to figure out what your first rodeo and my unlevel aft to rear campsite have to do with each other.

*Graphics couresty of Clipart Graphics.


Anne Percival Kruszka said...

Um. Aft to rear is redundant. Aft is the rear as in the aft part of a ship. Forward is front.

Phil and Rudee said...

Sorry to hear of your problem, sucks to be on the road all day only to pull in and get "attitude" from a campground worker.

Bull riders at the rodeo try to stay on their ride for 8 seconds, maybe that was the time frame she was betting on you staying in your bed before being rolled out due to her unlevel sites.

I hope they were able to accomidate you or at least give you a refund so you could find a "good" campground.

Safe travels,
