Saturday, September 19, 2009

This 'n That, from Tana on the road, almost

As I nurse my morning cup of jo, I am still shaking my noggin at the interesting week of email from DOT employees to Moi.

Situation: reported road closure on the day our MOC Rally begins. Road closure notifications state, take detour, about a 15 mile detour.

However, being somewhat familiar with the area and with my trusty (?) Streets and Trips on the computer, I determine/question, that we should be able to take several alternative routes, except they all demand a crossing of the road to be closed.

So, I write to the DOT, I received polite responses, the request was passed on to DOT employees who should know the answer. I did not count the number of emails, somewhere around 8 - 10.

I asked a specific question, can I cross 4 if I am traveling on 13. First several responses did not answer the question. I wrote back, asking again. TA DA!! This AM in my email, one last response, with the answer. Yep, can cross 4 if on 13.

All of this matters if you are arriving the 21st or after, the date of closure. We decided to arrive a day or so early.

So, the fence sitter sits on this one, it took 2 sessions of asking to get the answer to question asked, but they get bonus points for staying with the assignment till finished!

Now, the coffee is gone from the cup, the brain is still non-functioning, which explains why none of this makes any sense whatsoever, I think I will go finish packing Tana. Where is my tshirt that says, "I don't do mornings!"?

Rally on!


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