Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This 'n That, changing gears, and other odds and ends

Below, some buggy creature that landed on my screen. No, I have NO idea what it is. But, I could not resist the challenge, will it photograph or not? (Don't forget to click on the photo to see it enlarged.)

Since we returned from our last Tana excursion we have been busy with friends, family, working on Tana (always tweaking something), scanning, and NOT cleaning my office.

Today, Mary and I took one township and stomped our way around, locating cemeteries, taking a photo or two, preparing to type the records over the winter. We had a nice lunch and enjoyed our day.

Fall is here, some of the maples are turning colors, the soy crops are turning yellow in the fields quickly. We are starting to have leaves fall to the ground.

These berries spotted on a Mother Nature bush in our yard, which means, we have no idea what kind of bush it is, but Mother Nature probably does.

We have back to back Rallies to attend in September and early October. Prep time will begin in full later this week. I have a class to prepare for one Rally, so, that will take up a bit of time. Time to check the supplies in Tana, lets see - - t-shirts, check; shorts, check; long pants, check; sweaters, check; coats, check. Dog food, leashes, check.

Yep, gonna be changing gears this week. Rally On!!



Linda Hughes Hiser said...

Nice bug....even close up!

Myrna said...

That is a dragon fly. They are fascinating to watch and are quite often near water. They come in all different sizes and colors.