This is week 12 of my participation Amy Johnson Crow's, once a week challenge to blog about one ancestor a week, tell their story, biography, a photograph, an outline of a research problem — anything that focuses on that one ancestor. More about the challenge can be found at her Blog, No Story Too Small.
Baby boy Dews was born November 1, 1896 in Princess Anne County Virginia and died there, unnamed, on November 10, 1896. His burial place is undiscovered. His parents were rather poor, it is likely that he was buried in an unmarked grave. Here is part of his death record, the entire record was not digitized. Lorena's name was spelled Lurena.
Delphine "Della" Dews was born in July of 1897 in "Virginia" per the 1900 U.S. Census, Kempsville, Princess Anne County, Virginia (the enumeration was done on June 20, 1900). Her birth record has not been found, as she was born during a time that Virginia did not require the recording of births. Family tradition is that Della died at age 2 or 3 of burns suffered from boiling kettle of water. Her death record has not been located, nor a burial place.
The only record/document I have found for Delphine "Della" is her appearance in the 1900 census. Note this record has been edited, several of the first rows of the enumeration were removed to save space here and to show only the Dews clan. Richard L. Dews, we believe to be Robert L. Dews, brother of (William) Henry.
Wish list: Anything on either Baby boy Dews or his sister, Della. Hope runs slim as I have spent considerable time pouring over records and this is all I have found.

* Additional source data can be obtained by contacting me, see the right hand column for a yahoo email address.
** 52 Ancestors Weeks Button courtesy of Amy Johnson Crow.
*** I use many resources to research, is a free site. is a pay site for which I pay, no discounts, etc. None of these sites have asked me to review them, or use them. See my Disclaimers page for further details.
**** In my years of researching this clan and several others that branch to it or from it, I can tell you that Richard can easily be Robert. There are years and years that males and females only used their initials. Try searching an entire county where every man and woman are only identified as "X.X. Surname". I'll not leave you to wonder - - frustration is the name of that game.