Jasia, of Creative Gene is once again hosting the Carnival of Genealogy, the 115th such carnival! WOW that is a lot of parties, err, carnivals. She has challenged us, and, I do mean really challenged us this month. The challenge is to write your family history in 300 words or less. Really, 300? I hear you all laughing, verbose Carol, less than 300 words?? I gulped, I laughed, I stewed and brewed, and then I did it! And, it was FUN! 300, ON the button! See:
My approach was to see if I could write an introduction to a compilation of the Lashbrook clan that someday I hope to make available to other Lashbrook researchers. I have been trying to finish this work for too many years. I thought, well, maybe if I have the introduction, I can jump start my procrastinating self. We shall see, but, I did manage to finish the challenge. And, it became that, a challenge, I had 325 words at one point, dropped back to around 280 words, and with many tweaks finally finished right at the magic number of 300.
Now, I will let out this little secret, I had to contact Jasia to ask her how to count the words. She said she uses word processors on and off line, and there is a magic little counter with most of them. Word Perfect in fact does have one. Word processors count each and every word, even "a", "is", "the". When I learned to count words way back in the dark ages in high school, we did not count those types of words, only words with 4 letters or more. Whew, I am not sure if the way words are counted by the word processor works for us or against us. Now, truthfully, isn't that all just a tad bit interesting??
Jasia also told me she will not become the word count police, so, I was not real worried about it and find it quite amusing that I hit 300 on the button. Oh, by the way, none of what I have written up to this point counts! But, from here on out, let the counting begin.
Richard and Ann (nee Newcomb) Lashbrook were married in the fall of 1814 in Thornbury, Devon, England. Between 1815 and 1830 they became the parents of ten children, all of whom survived to adulthood.
Sometime between 1830 and 1832 Richard and Ann and their ten children boarded a ship, crossing the Atlantic for a new life in the Americas. According to family tradition they migrated to Canada. About a year later, the family moved over the border to Clinton County New York.
While living in New York, two, possibly four additional children were born. Two of these children lived to adulthood, two have not been located anywhere, we do have their reported names.
Records are hard to come by during the 1830's and early 1840's in New York, but there are indications that the four eldest Lashbrook children were married there.
By 1843 the entire Lashbrook clan started moving to McHenry County Illinois, part of their trip was via the Erie Canal, part by wagons. Before 1850 the move from New York was complete, no Lashbrooks lived there.

Richard and Ann died in McHenry County Illinois by 1883, they are buried in the Jerome Cemetery, near Harvard. A number of their descendants are also buried in McHenry.
The Lashbrook family history is fairly typical, filled with farmers, teachers, professionals, and a few “interesting” souls to color the story.
Come join us as we discover the story of the Lashbrook clan.

* Photos, from the top:
1.) The Altar at St Peter's Church Thornbury Devon England, where Richard Lashbrook and Ann Newcomb were married.
2.) The Erie Canal, today. Photo courtesy of Pam Martin.
3.) Lashbrook headstones, Jerome Cemetery, McHenry County, Illinois. In the foreground: Richard and Ann Lashbrook. To the rear: John and Lydia Lashbrook, son and daughter-in-law.
** Thanks Jasia, it was fun, honestly!
Great job ... consise, informative and interesting.
Carol, I think the four-character-per-word thing comes from typing class - that was how you calculated words per minute. Doesn't apply with word processors nowadays! College students (I'm a university librarian) love (or hate) the word count feature as they often have assignments where they have to write a minimum and/or maximum number of words - so sometimes it's nice that "a," "an," and "the" count!
Good JOB Carol! I'm impressed.
Good job. Filled with lots of information, photos and a nice story line that came to a conclusion.
Always loved your posts on the Lashbrook family. Brings to mind, tales of romance, swashbuckling and adventurers. Good beginning, now on to verbosity and finish the book.
Bravo, Carol! It was worth all the time and revision you put into it. You wrote a very nice and concise overview of the Lashbrook family. It would make a good intro to a full family history! Thanks so much for participating in the COG, Carol. Great job!
Very nice! I like the way you captioned the photos afterwards to avoid having them count in the 300. I gave up but I still want to do it.
You packed a lot of story into your 300 words! Great introduction to your Lasher family.
Also, thanks for your comment
That would make a great intro, Carol. Well-worded and concise :-)
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