Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Been clothes shopping lately??

Man and I did some yesterday, two stores, one the cheapy "W" place, the other store mid-range department store, "P".


I have been counting carbs since I was told I have the diabetes Demon. I am losing some weight, slowly, very slowly. After 2.5 years of this slowly dropping weight, well, the jeans were getting baggy. What a great thing for a gal to be able to say, the jeans were baggy!

Man wanted new jeans, cause his have HOLES in them. Course, he could buy NEW jeans with holes in them and pay $35.00 to $40.00. But, Man does not like holes in his jeans.

So, off we go to the store, even have a coupon to use. YAH!!!

First store, I find jeans, try on one pair, down one size from what I have been wearing. FIT. (Small tee hee here.) So, I go grab another pair, different dye, same style, same name on the hip, same size, well, so says the long sticker they put down the pant leg.

Tryed the dark pair on this AM, discover sticker does not match the size on the sticker they sew in at the waistline. GRRRR. Funny, the size on the waist line sticker is one larger, and fit, well, tighter.

So, two pair of jeans, and I am not sure what size either one of them is! SIGHH

Man looking at shirts at the "W" cheapie store, finds same shirts, same design, same color, some are marked 100% cotton, others marked 60% cotton. He bought some, we have no idea if he really got what he thought he was buying.

What is going on here??? Moi smells a quality control issue. Ya think??

And again - back to our regular scheduled blogs - - - -

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