Sharing a Slice of Life this week, is about chores, and reads in part, "write about doing chores as a child".
Man and I have been doing a LOT of chores around the stick built this week, and well, I have not had the time to devote to this meme, cause of all those chores!
That said, the very first memory that came to mind when I read the challenge was of my grandmother, Minnie Agnes Halterman Trumbo and laundry. As far back as I can remember, she did her laundry in a wringer type washing machine. She used that machine for years and years.
Last August, I shared a photo of her teaching our two eldest sons how to use that SAME wringer machine, photo from 1979. Here it is again:
I have vague memories of helping do the laundry. Minnie used to tell me that when I was a wee bit of a thing, I wanted to help so badly that I would "work" until I was over tired. Seems I just LOVED pulling that laundry through the wringers and helping Grandma. It became such a problem, that she would get up even earlier than normal (geesh, she got up early anyway, "earlier" must have been at o dark 30). Anyway, she would get up earlier and do ALL the laundry before I woke up.

I believe they did "allow" me to help tote some of that laundry out to the line to be hung up. And, yes, there is a bit of photographic proof.
I believe they did "allow" me to help tote some of that laundry out to the line to be hung up. And, yes, there is a bit of photographic proof.
Gotta say, I sure hope this "bucket" was made of aluminum, it looks VERY large for a little tyke to be toting around. Besides, how much could I tote with my arms full of balls and toys and such.
Chores, laundry, and the wringer washer, crossing the generations, sharing a slice (or load) of life.
* Next time I run across this photo of me and the infamous bucket, I am going to re-scan it, save it in a better and larger format.
Did you ever get anything caught in a wringer?
clothes can wrap around the wringer and be torn,Its you're already happened?
Anon, thank you for reading, thank you for your comment, I don't totally understand it, but, as far as the first question, I am sure Minnie had clothes caught in a wringer. Since I never used one, except as helper, the answer is no, I never have had anything caught.
Oh my goodness, what a cutie you are! I have to say I'm glad Grandmother Minnie was showing the boys how to do the wash. This morning I was dreading doing today's chores, but now I've had a smile and am ready to go. Thanks Carol! Jennifer
Carol in a dress!
TennLady, no kidding, and a mini at that! And, NOT denim!
No more complaining about hauling clothes down to the basement for me. Just thinking about that wringer makes me glad I study family history - not live it. Love, love, love the photos.
I am amazed that she was still using that wringer in 1979!
You really were a cutie. That is a super precious picture!
Many memories of wringer washers and hanging the clothes on the clothes line. We even boiled the cotton hankies on the stove before washing them. As a new bride, my first washing machine was a wringer washer in the back yard!! Thanks for the memories. Myrna
Love the post. Hmm I still haven't done this one. The mind has not been on blogging. I remember my grandmother being thrilled when they got a washing machine with a spin cycle. You were a real cutie.
Thanks for the post and memories.
Great photos!
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