May 11, 2013. We have walked, we have taken a ferry ride, we have eaten, we have seen Pier One and Pier 39 and I had a great time shooting the sea lions. The day was growing old, we were growing tired and we still had to make our way from Pier 39 to the bus line that would take us back cross the Golden Gate Bridge to Tana in Greenbrae.
As we left Pier 39, you will find the Old Port Gate, and yes, that is a sea gull standing right at the very top peak.
From the Pier area Man and I made our way to Saints Peter and Paul Church and Washington Square.
At Washington Square since it was a Saturday, people were relaxing, enjoying the sunshine (yea, no sea mist here, but, just you wait, we shall find some again before the day is over). Some football tossing, some sun bathing (brrr), picnic meals, dog exercising with frisbees, reading a book, taking a nap, cuddling with people you love. Saturday afternoon in the park.
The street cars need power, there it is, interesting if I could figure it out, this way, that way, what a mass/maze.
Electric, and to the far left, non-electric. Such a collection of different types of mass transit. We saw old street cars, newer street cars, new street cars. Buses of every vintage. You could do a photo book just of the mass transit configurations! LOL
We managed to find the correct corner, the correct bus line, the correct bus number and homeward bound we were. The bus crosses the Golden Gate Bridge and, here ya see it, out the bus window, enveloped, in, yes, fog! This was no sea mist, of course, on the other side of the bridge, the fog dissipated and the rest of the ride home was in clear, mist-less, fog-less, sunny skies.
I ended the day exhausted and overwhelmed by the "big" city and all that mass transit. I was ready to head for the hills, or the ocean or ?? But, we had one more day, and Man convinced me we needed to give it another whirl. Oh, voy! Since we had not managed a ride on the cable cars, well, stay tuned - -

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