This blog post is part of my participation in a weekly writing meme called, "The Book of Me, Written By You" You too can be part of this experiment/experience, there is information at this Facebook page.
I may or may not publicly share what I write each week. This week I share, most of the challenge, not all.
This weeks prompt is "Your Birth".
Do you have any baby photos? Why, yes, I do, here I am at 3 months. Head up, and smiling! I believe there is a story about the bracelet, which I do not remember.
Who was present at your birth? As far as I know, my mother and hospital staff.
Dimensions? 6 pounds 9.5 ounces. Length not recorded.
What day was it? Time? Sunday. My birth certificate states 8:38 __M. July 25, 19XX
Did you have hair? Eye colour? Hair, don't think so, well, not much, see photo. Eyes, recorded as blue.
Are you a twin? Nope
Here is my birth announcement:
The car theme carries over to the announcement on the inside:
Arrival of a charming little model.
Fully equipped:
Free Squealing
Automatic Feeding
Seldom Requires Oil
Sparkling Lamps (color of eyes goes here)
Body Color:
Delightful Pink
Travels Nicely Wet or Dry.
Now on Display At (address goes here)
F.O.B. Money Couldn't Buy It.
This copy of my birth announcement was found by my father when he was cleaning out his mother's belongings. Susie was my grandmother's sister. "The Madam" is what my father called his mother, my grandmother. He sent it to me along with a note:
I found this while going through stuff at the beach. Apparently Susie gave it to the Madam. Now it goes full circle back to you where it should be in one of your albums.
Love Dad
P.S. Look what 3 cents could do in 19XX
(it took 3 cents postage to mail in 19XX)
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