Warning, this post is graphics heavy, I know, many of mine are, but this one has 14 photos. Hope you can stick around - - -
Continuing our ride on the California 1, May 7, 2013. Still four months behind the actual visit.
I chatted a bunch about "sea mist" on Facebook. Now, normally, I am no fan of fog. But, I had never experienced mist/fog drifting in and out all day long. So, I ended up fascinated by the ever changing scenery. I took a few photos here and there. (OK, more than a few.) It is one of those things that after I shoot, I realize, that may not translate well. And again, I dream of 3D photography!
The mist covering the hill top.
We made quite a few stops at the pulloffs. Listening to the waves, the sea gulls, enjoying Mother Nature's show.
OK, these guys just amuse me. Love how they are all facing the west. (Well, most of them.) Have to say, this might make a great puzzle.
I don't know the names, but, I know what I think is pretty - -
Looking north up the coastline. Nice hunk of beach here. And, some sea mist off in the distance.
PURPLE!! No need to say any more about this. Except, unidentified.
Leaning over the edge, just a little, to show the colors, the shapes. Think of the power of the waves that created this.
Looking south, the combinations of beach and rock and cliffs, the endless combinations of beauty.
Looking north, across a bed of yellow - -
The sentinel:
This large (well over 6 foot tall) display of driftwood/roots. So worn, so beautiful.
Again, the contrast in colors, sandy brown and black/gray, and what appears to be an arch, Sony Too and I cannot resist. And, so, we do not!
This is the view from Sonoma Coast State Beach, Arched Rock Beach. (Not the same as above.)
And, of course, zoom thanks to Sony Too.
Enough for now, come on back, I have more to share from this wonderful day trip to the west coast and the California 1.

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