May 5, 2013. Still almost 4 months behind in the actual visit to the post date.
Today we drive from the Lodi area to the Napa Valley area. We will actually stay in Santa Rosa.
Along the way, wind makers and milk makers.
I caught this sculpture out of the corner of my eye as we went speeding by. It was wayyyyyyy up on a hill.
Zoomed with photo editing software you can see it looks like he is squeezing the grapes. With a little help from a search engine near you, I present, "The Grape Crusher". According to this page, "The sculpture was created by Gino Miles in 1986 and it was dedicated in 1987." The photos on this page will show you what it looks like when you are stopped and not flying by at 55 MPH with Tana in tow! LOL
One of the wineries of the area, we will visit this for a short visit, the gardens were formal and quite nice.
Another field of grapes, more wine coming soon - -
Along the way we needed a, well, frankly, we needed a potty break. As we came to an intersection where we had to decide which fork of the road to take, we found this large parking area, and this little restaurant. There was room to safely park Tana, and of course, we were ready for lunch!
I wrote on Facebook with a link to the restaurant, "Great BBQ". Sometimes rest stops r more, eh?? — at Schellville Grill."
Not long after that post, I get this from RVing friend Mina, via email, "Are you following FoodNetwork now? (with a winky emoticon). And, this link.
Nope, I had no idea what we had just stumbled upon. The food WAS great! One of those, "Who knew" moments. Turned out quite nicely!
The next day we would "tour" Napa and Sonoma, have a nice lunch, and buy just a few bottles of wine.

1 comment:
Love your first photo. Just saying.
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