Man really wanted to show me the wine country. He had visited many years ago and had fond memories. He went on and on about how beautiful it was, and how we JUST had to see it, together this time.
And, he was correct. So, on May 6th, we made a 80 mile circle tour. How bad can it be when it starts out like this??
It was a gray and dismal day, and the photos will show a lot of dark, heavy clouds. I have edited the photos, and had to lighten just about every one up. The sky sometimes ends up looking all washed out. It is an incredibly beautiful place to visit, clouds and all.
Rows and rows, artistically beautiful, here comes da wine!
Miles and miles of rows and rows of wine, err, grapes. Those rows extend well over that hill, wayyyyy, back there - -
This is Domaine Carneros Winery. The building was built in 1988, was according to the signage, inspired by the historic Louis XV style Chateau de la Marquetterie in Champagne, France.
Baby grapes, peaking out at us.
At the top of the stairs, you turn around and this is the view! Try clicking on the image. Sometimes I get that right and sometimes not! It might be BETTER!
There is a tradition of growing roses at the end of the rows of grapes. Makes for a beautiful vineyard. There are other, very good, reasons for growing roses in a vineyard, you can read all about it here, be sure to scroll down to "Roses". In a nutshell, per this page, "Roses and grapevines are both susceptible to a fungus called powdery mildew. In fact, roses are more sensitive than grapevines."
Back on our tour, more roses along the rows, taken while rolling in Jolly.
After a lunch stop, we ended up stopping at Sutter's Winery. Their garden was so pretty.
Love the colors in this rose.
And, look at the size of this bloom! Larger than my hand!
When I first saw this photo, I deemed it a fail. Then, I looked again and something about the roses, the rows, the foreground fence (you know I cannot resist a fence!), the foreground being out of focus, and the direction of the rows, I have now deemed this a WIN.
And, at the end of the day, we did go home with a few bottles of wine to enjoy. Making the day, complete!

One of my favorite posts, but you already knew that.
Oh those roses! They are so gorgeous!
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