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- THE Trip, THE Encore' :: The Maps, Part Two
- THE Trip, THE Encore' :: The Maps, Part Three
- 2013 Thankful November
- Families Past :: Pedigree Charts
- Edna May Fenton Stevens Time Line Experiments
- Winter Sojourn 2014/15 :: The Maps
- Reflection's Contibutions to the Worldwide Genealo...
- Reflections Visits Nova Scotia
- European Union Stuff.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
"Favorite Season"
This blog post is part of my participation in a weekly writing meme called, "The Book of Me, Written By You" You too can be part of this experiment/experience, there is information at this Facebook page.
I may or may not publicly share what I write each week. This week I share.
The prompt for week 4 is Favorite Season (s)
A Happy Memory.
Close your eyes and imagine your favorite season – write down what you see, feel, hear.
I think I shall start from my least favorite season, winter. I used to enjoy winter camping, and cross country skiing, but, as I got older, I fell out of love with winter. Bitter cold makes my fingers throb with discomfort, really, let's call it what it really is, pain! These days Man and I try to escape to locales south, miles and miles and degrees (as in temperature), south.
I remember with fondness tho, young boys jumping with glee from towering snow banks - -
And, I still love the soft glow of holiday decorations, memories of holidays past, the children and their awe and excitement, the birth of the Christ child, the peace, if only for just a few hours, blessed, welcomed, wonderful.
After the quiet of snow filled days and short days, comes the month I hate more than any in SE Michigan, March. Dank, soggy, gray, dark, soft and mucky. There is no worse month in the year in SE Michigan. Not worthy of one photo in my collection. March, horrid month, could be banned and I would be thrilled. ICK to March.
Then, come flowers, spring flowers, fresh, colorful, fragrant and oh, so welcome, maybe even more so, as they follow the dank and horrid month of March.
Some spring flowers and bushes, such as the magnolia, are so simple they take your breath away and fill your heart and soul with simple joy.
And, this is the time of my favorite flower, the iris, this specimen in my favorite color, purple.
Summer soon comes, Mother Nature bringing heat and humidity to SE Michigan and of course, flowers.
Some of my favorite memories, beaches and flowers, in summer. Days spent soaking up the sun, reviving and warming me after winter. Yes, I was a sun worshiper in my day.
Lazy days, spent by some creating wonderful sand art.
And, then, before we know it, fall arrives, with Halloween and Thanksgiving. Memories of Halloween past, ghosts, goblins, costumes, carving or painting pumpkins, families walking the dark streets trick er treating and the mounds of candy dumped from pillow cases. Such fond and sugary memories.
Thanksgiving, a time of reflection, and yes, thanks. Pumpkin pie, turkey, dressing, meals spent with several generations gathered together as one clan.
And burning bushes, a fall favorite, glowing, bright, gorgeous flaming red.
A carpet of color, yellow and red, covering the green grass of summer. The smell of burning leaves, the crunch as you walk and skip through piles of drying leaves on the sidewalks. Visits to the apple orchards, cider and sugar cinnamon coated donuts, all signaling the time of harvest, time to prepare, once again, for winter.
My favorite season?? Any season, as long as I wake and can find some beauty in the day. But, not March, no way, nope, nadda.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Ten Years of MOC Rallies, One of Three
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
Last night was the Meet N Greet of the 10th Fall MOC Rally.
Three couples have been to every fall rally held here in Elkhart County, Indiana. Man and I are one of the three.
(There were 4 couples, but, our Webmaster, Glenn Adams, lost his battle with cancer, and now there are three. We miss our Glenn.)
Last night at the Meet N Greet, we were recognized. Thank you.
That is ONE huge bottle, gonna need to have a party to celebrate me thinks.

*Photo of the three couples courtesy of the Montana Owners Club and photographers.
Last night was the Meet N Greet of the 10th Fall MOC Rally.
Three couples have been to every fall rally held here in Elkhart County, Indiana. Man and I are one of the three.
(There were 4 couples, but, our Webmaster, Glenn Adams, lost his battle with cancer, and now there are three. We miss our Glenn.)
Last night at the Meet N Greet, we were recognized. Thank you.
That is ONE huge bottle, gonna need to have a party to celebrate me thinks.
To friends!

*Photo of the three couples courtesy of the Montana Owners Club and photographers.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
Yep, there really IS gonna be a rally, MOC style.

Yep, there really IS gonna be a rally, MOC style.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Domain Name - - ZAPPED. Back Links - - Also ZAPPED.
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
Well, I pulled the plug on the domain name. Reflections is now found with this URL.
After weeks of stress, hours of work to create Reflections 2, the fix for changing back to blogger and away from the domain name was found by friend/blogger, Linda. The fix can be found at the original Blogger Tips and Tricks.
One little X to click and say yes, and the domain stuff is gone.
See, got my Blogspot back, plain ole Reflections, GONE:
Those who have linked BACK to Reflections, well, those links do not work any more either.

Well, I pulled the plug on the domain name. Reflections is now found with this URL.
After weeks of stress, hours of work to create Reflections 2, the fix for changing back to blogger and away from the domain name was found by friend/blogger, Linda. The fix can be found at the original Blogger Tips and Tricks.
One little X to click and say yes, and the domain stuff is gone.
See, got my Blogspot back, plain ole Reflections, GONE:
Those who have linked BACK to Reflections, well, those links do not work any more either.

Saturday, September 21, 2013
Reflections TWO as in 2, is Live.
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
As you may have read, I am having issues with Reflections (this blog, right here, right now).
In the next 24 hours or so, I will get up the nerve to make a major change in the settings at Blogger.
I do NOT know what will happen to Reflections (this blog, right here).
I have Reflections 2, ready and willing to step up to the plate. I put it on line live this morning.
MOST of the 4.5 years of posts are NOT live on Reflections 2. I will not spend the time to make them live unless THIS, Reflections From the Fence, dies or vaporizes into the mist.
If you are a follower, might I suggest you at least visit Reflections 2, maybe join as a follower, or at least make note somehow on your computer as to the URL (web address).
I hope this is all a HUGE experiment that is futile and that I wasted a bunch of time on it.
BUT, in case - -
Just saying - -

As you may have read, I am having issues with Reflections (this blog, right here, right now).
In the next 24 hours or so, I will get up the nerve to make a major change in the settings at Blogger.
I do NOT know what will happen to Reflections (this blog, right here).
I have Reflections 2, ready and willing to step up to the plate. I put it on line live this morning.
MOST of the 4.5 years of posts are NOT live on Reflections 2. I will not spend the time to make them live unless THIS, Reflections From the Fence, dies or vaporizes into the mist.
If you are a follower, might I suggest you at least visit Reflections 2, maybe join as a follower, or at least make note somehow on your computer as to the URL (web address).
I hope this is all a HUGE experiment that is futile and that I wasted a bunch of time on it.
BUT, in case - -
Just saying - -

Thursday, September 19, 2013
The Future of Reflections and The Current URL
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
In the fall of 2009, just months after starting this experiment I call Reflections From the Fence, I took a leap and purchased a domain name for this blog. Which meant nothing to you as a reader, except you no longer saw "blogger" in the URL (the web address).
If you never noticed, good for you.
It made giving out my URL to people I met easy, it was simply,
But, then a bunch of stuff happened with the who and the how I have to pay. It is way too confusing and befuddling to go into here. I barely understand it. Well, truth be, I don't think I DO understand it.
The bottom line is, I have been unable to pay for the upcoming year. I think. I cannot determine if my credit card number on file is valid or not. My take, the card numbers are not valid. Card numbers have changed, time passes, cards expire. Nevertheless, when they try to put the card number on file through the system, my bets are on a monster BOUNCE.
So, for the last three weeks I have been trying to figure out:
1.) How to pay?
2.) What happens to Reflections if I do NOT pay?
How to pay, well, you have to have a password, which they say is invalid. I lost count how many times I tried to hack in. I lost count how many hours I spent trying to hack in. I lost count how many help groups I asked for help.
And, no one could tell me for SURE, what happens if I do NOT pay. This situation is not a time when you hear "I think" and feel all warm, fuzzy and confident. I want to hear, "this is the way it is". Nope, "I think" makes me very uncomfy.
In the last 48 hours or so, thanks to my blogging/genie/Facebook friends, I think I have found a place here in Blogger land, that will allow me to say I no longer want this domain thingy. And, I don't, not at this point. For a number of reasons, which I won't bore you with.
SOOO, I have a multifaceted approach to this.
1.) I am done trying to hack into this account they say I have, but that my passwords will not work on.
2.) I will in the next day or so, turn off the domain thingy from inside Blogger.
3.) I have many backups of Reflections in many different formats. One of those is in a new blog, Reflections 2, which is lying in wait. If all else fails, Reflections will cease and Reflections 2 will be born. I have been working on Reflections 2 for a week or so, it is not perfect, far from it, but, it will do if I need it. All the posts are there, all the way back to the dark ages when I started this journey.
If I fail to save Reflections I hope my followers and readers will come find me on Reflections 2. The URL will be,, well, I hope that is the URL. As of publication time that URL/link will NOT work, as the back up blog is not public or live at this moment in time.
I have worked hard to build Reflections, I love my followers and readers, I sure hope I don't lose you.
I have not decided just yet, but, I may take Reflections 2 live and have both blogs running at the same time with the same content. Just until I know if Reflections, the original, will live for another day, or year.
I hope that in a week or a month, all this angst will be a thing of the past, and that we will all be back to posting and reading this crazy gal's yarns on Reflections From the Fence, the original.
And, all over a lousy $10.00 bill. Really. Isn't that amazing?? Hold on, it could be a wild ride.

* All this fuss and confusion and angst is one reason that THE Trip THE Encore' trip reports have been slowed down to a trickle. That and the prep required to get us out the door on time for the MOC Fall Rally.
In the fall of 2009, just months after starting this experiment I call Reflections From the Fence, I took a leap and purchased a domain name for this blog. Which meant nothing to you as a reader, except you no longer saw "blogger" in the URL (the web address).
If you never noticed, good for you.
It made giving out my URL to people I met easy, it was simply,
But, then a bunch of stuff happened with the who and the how I have to pay. It is way too confusing and befuddling to go into here. I barely understand it. Well, truth be, I don't think I DO understand it.
The bottom line is, I have been unable to pay for the upcoming year. I think. I cannot determine if my credit card number on file is valid or not. My take, the card numbers are not valid. Card numbers have changed, time passes, cards expire. Nevertheless, when they try to put the card number on file through the system, my bets are on a monster BOUNCE.
So, for the last three weeks I have been trying to figure out:
1.) How to pay?
2.) What happens to Reflections if I do NOT pay?
How to pay, well, you have to have a password, which they say is invalid. I lost count how many times I tried to hack in. I lost count how many hours I spent trying to hack in. I lost count how many help groups I asked for help.
And, no one could tell me for SURE, what happens if I do NOT pay. This situation is not a time when you hear "I think" and feel all warm, fuzzy and confident. I want to hear, "this is the way it is". Nope, "I think" makes me very uncomfy.
In the last 48 hours or so, thanks to my blogging/genie/Facebook friends, I think I have found a place here in Blogger land, that will allow me to say I no longer want this domain thingy. And, I don't, not at this point. For a number of reasons, which I won't bore you with.
SOOO, I have a multifaceted approach to this.
1.) I am done trying to hack into this account they say I have, but that my passwords will not work on.
2.) I will in the next day or so, turn off the domain thingy from inside Blogger.
3.) I have many backups of Reflections in many different formats. One of those is in a new blog, Reflections 2, which is lying in wait. If all else fails, Reflections will cease and Reflections 2 will be born. I have been working on Reflections 2 for a week or so, it is not perfect, far from it, but, it will do if I need it. All the posts are there, all the way back to the dark ages when I started this journey.
If I fail to save Reflections I hope my followers and readers will come find me on Reflections 2. The URL will be,, well, I hope that is the URL. As of publication time that URL/link will NOT work, as the back up blog is not public or live at this moment in time.
I have worked hard to build Reflections, I love my followers and readers, I sure hope I don't lose you.
I have not decided just yet, but, I may take Reflections 2 live and have both blogs running at the same time with the same content. Just until I know if Reflections, the original, will live for another day, or year.
I hope that in a week or a month, all this angst will be a thing of the past, and that we will all be back to posting and reading this crazy gal's yarns on Reflections From the Fence, the original.
And, all over a lousy $10.00 bill. Really. Isn't that amazing?? Hold on, it could be a wild ride.

* All this fuss and confusion and angst is one reason that THE Trip THE Encore' trip reports have been slowed down to a trickle. That and the prep required to get us out the door on time for the MOC Fall Rally.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
It's Fall RALLY Time
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
Man and I will be attending the 10th Fall Montana Owners Club Rally next week. Almost 120 units will be attending this year, the largest Rally yet for the MOC.
In preparation, we are cleaning, gutting, organizing, doing lots more stuff in Tana and in the house. Doctor's visits abound (ya, that's a lot of fun.) We are fussing with medical insurance and snail mail issues that also abound (and they make doctor's visits look like fun). Yard work will not be caught up this fall, but, we are trying, and in the last week we trimmed (hacked down is more like it) three huge bushes in the yard. I hope to get the 2 foot tall thistles in the flower beds removed before long.
Next week, getting excited to hook up and roll out, we have the hitch itch that RVers all know. We are looking forward to visiting with so many great friends we have made over the last 10 years at these rallies, and making new. Of course, there will be great food too. Shopping, girls luncheons, so much to do, the week will just fly by!
See ya soon at the Rally!

Man and I will be attending the 10th Fall Montana Owners Club Rally next week. Almost 120 units will be attending this year, the largest Rally yet for the MOC.
In preparation, we are cleaning, gutting, organizing, doing lots more stuff in Tana and in the house. Doctor's visits abound (ya, that's a lot of fun.) We are fussing with medical insurance and snail mail issues that also abound (and they make doctor's visits look like fun). Yard work will not be caught up this fall, but, we are trying, and in the last week we trimmed (hacked down is more like it) three huge bushes in the yard. I hope to get the 2 foot tall thistles in the flower beds removed before long.
Next week, getting excited to hook up and roll out, we have the hitch itch that RVers all know. We are looking forward to visiting with so many great friends we have made over the last 10 years at these rallies, and making new. Of course, there will be great food too. Shopping, girls luncheons, so much to do, the week will just fly by!
See ya soon at the Rally!

Sunday, September 15, 2013
"My Physical Being"
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
This blog post is part of my participation in a weekly writing meme called, "The Book of Me, Written By You" You too can be part of this experiment/experience, there is information at this Facebook page.
I may or may not publicly share what I write each week. This week I share, most of the challenge, not all.
Week 3. Describe your physical self.
Your size – clothes size: When I was young: Many many moons ago, I wore a size 10 dress or pants. I have gained a few pounds since then, I was in a 14 at one time (and honestly, I was on the way to the 16). I was happy with the 10, not so happy with the 14. Today I waiver around the 12 size, sorta happy. In my mind's eye I am the size 10, wish the scales agreed. Shoe size between and 7 and 8 (American) depending on the style.
I like loose clothes so I wear a Man's large in a t-shirt, sweatshirt and jacket, I prefer the men's shirts, ladies shirts just are not comfy. I have a long standing goal to wear blue jeans (skirts, skorts, or long pants) 365 days straight. I keep having to reset day 1, as life just keeps tossing black pants days at me. I like comfy, loose clothes, jeans, tennis shoes or hiking boots, t-shirts with layers of sweat shirts and sweaters and jackets, if necessary. What you cannot see is that any day under 72 degrees F, I will also be wearing thermies under the jeans.
Here I am in Death Valley California in March of 2013. I am dressed for comfort, do not doubt it. I never carry a purse, always a small fanny pack, this one is by Bagallini, have had it for years, love my Bagallini. Hat to shade my sun sensitive eyes. Keys clipped onto the belt (and tucked into the pocket). Keys are to Jolly the towing machine truck. I hate being locked out of stuff, so, I always have some keys hanging around.
T-shirt. Blue jeans skort. And the hiking boots. The epitome of fashion, that's me!
There are days I really should just cover up like I did here in ohhhh, 1981 or so:
I am several pounds overweight (number withheld), and I have diabetes, which I call the Demon. I have had any number of people look at me and say, but, you are so skinny to be a diabetic. MMM, no, I am not. Recently I had a young spring chicken tell me I did not look as old as I told her my age in real years was. (I am not telling you here either.) She said both Man and I did not look that old. Why thank you young spring chicken for the compliment, but, my birth certificate and the calendar do not lie!
Scars: probably still have one from my appendicitis surgery when I was 8. I think there is one on my knee from a bike fender that found it's way into my flesh many many moons ago.
Eye colour: was blue at birth, still light, but, if I wear greens, they do tend to shift a bit.
Other suggested tidbits to add to this prompt were provided at YouTube. SOOO:
I have double pierced ears, but, no tatoos, and no other piercings.These days I wear the earrings and a "I am a Type 2 Diabetic" necklace and sometimes I add other jewelry, but, usually I forget to put other lovely pieces on. I no longer wear rings, some do not fit that size 12, ahhhheeemmm (cough cough), body/fingers. When I do wear jewelry, it is best if I don't wear the cheap stuff, I can turn the inexpensive stuff green in no time. And, you outta see what I can do to the letters on a computer keyboard, they fade away at a remarkable quick pace. Guess I am "acidic"? Hold thy smart remarks, please.
I am allergic to most makeup and hair color and perms. I save a bunch of $$ not buying makeup. So, I wear my hair in a pony tail, I donate that pony about every 2 to 3 years for children with cancer. They cannot use my mixture of mostly gray with a bit of the ole me, mousy blondy/brown, but, they can sell the pony and use the $$ for administrative costs or to pay for wigs for children with cancer.
I wear glasses, 24/7. Yes, you did read that correctly. I sleep in my glasses, one must be ready to read email at 2:31 AM, right?? We all read email and Facebook at 2:31 AM, I know you do, fess up! My grandtwins were amazed when I admitted this recently. "But, Gramma, don't you bend your glasses? Gramma, you must sleep on your back all night." No, I don't sleep on my back all night, and no, I don't bend the glasses. But, I am ready to read that email at 2:31 AM.
Teeth: My dentist says I have good teeth. I have had several root canals, one was the root canal from, well, from that burning place none of us ever wants to go, eh? And, I have several crowns, one of which was applied with temporary cement well over 20 years ago. They could not get it back off to apply with permanent cement. It has never moved. Go figure - -
I have no wisdom teeth thanks to some oral surgery done when I was under 20. Said surgery left me with a very small damaged nerve that caused a small spot (bout the size of an American quarter) of vague numbness in my cheek. I have noted in recent years that that bit of numbness now looks like I have had a bit of a stroke, causing some drooping on that side of my face. I never was an person of "evenness", so this fits the rest of me.
I also have 4 less permanent teeth than many adults, having had those removed when I was a teen for the orthodontist to make room in my too small mouth for the remaining teeth. (Now, now, restrain thy-selves, it may be too small for my teeth, but, it is overly verbose as we all know and at times a bit outspoken).
Draw your hands. Skipping this in the public forum. I used to paint my nails, not sure why, but sometime I stopped doing that, and now, just au natural. The skin is thinning, there are a few age spots, one rather large dark spot on the middle finger of the left hand that has been there for so many years I cannot remember it not being there. The knuckles are larger than they were in my youth, but, I am blessed, no serious arthritis.
Finger print. Also skipping in the public forum.
Whew, glad that challenge is done. If you have not done so, try this yourself. Take your time, you might find it interesting and eye-opening, even if you don't wear your glasses 24/7/ like I do.
This blog post is part of my participation in a weekly writing meme called, "The Book of Me, Written By You" You too can be part of this experiment/experience, there is information at this Facebook page.
I may or may not publicly share what I write each week. This week I share, most of the challenge, not all.
Week 3. Describe your physical self.
Your size – clothes size: When I was young: Many many moons ago, I wore a size 10 dress or pants. I have gained a few pounds since then, I was in a 14 at one time (and honestly, I was on the way to the 16). I was happy with the 10, not so happy with the 14. Today I waiver around the 12 size, sorta happy. In my mind's eye I am the size 10, wish the scales agreed. Shoe size between and 7 and 8 (American) depending on the style.
I like loose clothes so I wear a Man's large in a t-shirt, sweatshirt and jacket, I prefer the men's shirts, ladies shirts just are not comfy. I have a long standing goal to wear blue jeans (skirts, skorts, or long pants) 365 days straight. I keep having to reset day 1, as life just keeps tossing black pants days at me. I like comfy, loose clothes, jeans, tennis shoes or hiking boots, t-shirts with layers of sweat shirts and sweaters and jackets, if necessary. What you cannot see is that any day under 72 degrees F, I will also be wearing thermies under the jeans.
Here I am in Death Valley California in March of 2013. I am dressed for comfort, do not doubt it. I never carry a purse, always a small fanny pack, this one is by Bagallini, have had it for years, love my Bagallini. Hat to shade my sun sensitive eyes. Keys clipped onto the belt (and tucked into the pocket). Keys are to Jolly the towing machine truck. I hate being locked out of stuff, so, I always have some keys hanging around.
T-shirt. Blue jeans skort. And the hiking boots. The epitome of fashion, that's me!
There are days I really should just cover up like I did here in ohhhh, 1981 or so:
I am several pounds overweight (number withheld), and I have diabetes, which I call the Demon. I have had any number of people look at me and say, but, you are so skinny to be a diabetic. MMM, no, I am not. Recently I had a young spring chicken tell me I did not look as old as I told her my age in real years was. (I am not telling you here either.) She said both Man and I did not look that old. Why thank you young spring chicken for the compliment, but, my birth certificate and the calendar do not lie!
Scars: probably still have one from my appendicitis surgery when I was 8. I think there is one on my knee from a bike fender that found it's way into my flesh many many moons ago.
Eye colour: was blue at birth, still light, but, if I wear greens, they do tend to shift a bit.
Other suggested tidbits to add to this prompt were provided at YouTube. SOOO:
I have double pierced ears, but, no tatoos, and no other piercings.These days I wear the earrings and a "I am a Type 2 Diabetic" necklace and sometimes I add other jewelry, but, usually I forget to put other lovely pieces on. I no longer wear rings, some do not fit that size 12, ahhhheeemmm (cough cough), body/fingers. When I do wear jewelry, it is best if I don't wear the cheap stuff, I can turn the inexpensive stuff green in no time. And, you outta see what I can do to the letters on a computer keyboard, they fade away at a remarkable quick pace. Guess I am "acidic"? Hold thy smart remarks, please.
I am allergic to most makeup and hair color and perms. I save a bunch of $$ not buying makeup. So, I wear my hair in a pony tail, I donate that pony about every 2 to 3 years for children with cancer. They cannot use my mixture of mostly gray with a bit of the ole me, mousy blondy/brown, but, they can sell the pony and use the $$ for administrative costs or to pay for wigs for children with cancer.
I wear glasses, 24/7. Yes, you did read that correctly. I sleep in my glasses, one must be ready to read email at 2:31 AM, right?? We all read email and Facebook at 2:31 AM, I know you do, fess up! My grandtwins were amazed when I admitted this recently. "But, Gramma, don't you bend your glasses? Gramma, you must sleep on your back all night." No, I don't sleep on my back all night, and no, I don't bend the glasses. But, I am ready to read that email at 2:31 AM.
Teeth: My dentist says I have good teeth. I have had several root canals, one was the root canal from, well, from that burning place none of us ever wants to go, eh? And, I have several crowns, one of which was applied with temporary cement well over 20 years ago. They could not get it back off to apply with permanent cement. It has never moved. Go figure - -
I have no wisdom teeth thanks to some oral surgery done when I was under 20. Said surgery left me with a very small damaged nerve that caused a small spot (bout the size of an American quarter) of vague numbness in my cheek. I have noted in recent years that that bit of numbness now looks like I have had a bit of a stroke, causing some drooping on that side of my face. I never was an person of "evenness", so this fits the rest of me.
I also have 4 less permanent teeth than many adults, having had those removed when I was a teen for the orthodontist to make room in my too small mouth for the remaining teeth. (Now, now, restrain thy-selves, it may be too small for my teeth, but, it is overly verbose as we all know and at times a bit outspoken).
Draw your hands. Skipping this in the public forum. I used to paint my nails, not sure why, but sometime I stopped doing that, and now, just au natural. The skin is thinning, there are a few age spots, one rather large dark spot on the middle finger of the left hand that has been there for so many years I cannot remember it not being there. The knuckles are larger than they were in my youth, but, I am blessed, no serious arthritis.
Finger print. Also skipping in the public forum.
Whew, glad that challenge is done. If you have not done so, try this yourself. Take your time, you might find it interesting and eye-opening, even if you don't wear your glasses 24/7/ like I do.
Friday, September 13, 2013
THE Trip, THE Encore' :: The Golden Gate Bridge As Seen Through The Rolling Sea Mist
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
May 10, 2013, Man and I took Jolly and drove from Greenbrae to San Fran. First stop Marin Headlands, which would give you a spectacular view of the bridge, IF it were clear. It was not clear, it was rolling sea mist. Somehow I think this is more common than not.
The photos are presented in the order they were taken. Some zoomed, some not, as we drove around the headlands area.
Approaching from the 101, heading south. Our first view of the Golden Gate, shrouded in sea mist.
From the headlands area, above and west of the bridge:
LOTS of zoom to find the ferry.
Be sure to click on this one, I made it a bit larger than I have in the past, let's see how it looks when we click. Looking from the Headlands east into the bay. I liked how this really shows off the sea mist, here, there - -
Enveloped again. We did not see the tops of the bridge until later in the afternoon.
The sea mist changes the way things look from moment to moment. It just rolls in and over and around, almost like a living thing.

May 10, 2013, Man and I took Jolly and drove from Greenbrae to San Fran. First stop Marin Headlands, which would give you a spectacular view of the bridge, IF it were clear. It was not clear, it was rolling sea mist. Somehow I think this is more common than not.
The photos are presented in the order they were taken. Some zoomed, some not, as we drove around the headlands area.
Approaching from the 101, heading south. Our first view of the Golden Gate, shrouded in sea mist.
From the headlands area, above and west of the bridge:
LOTS of zoom to find the ferry.
Be sure to click on this one, I made it a bit larger than I have in the past, let's see how it looks when we click. Looking from the Headlands east into the bay. I liked how this really shows off the sea mist, here, there - -
Enveloped again. We did not see the tops of the bridge until later in the afternoon.
The sea mist changes the way things look from moment to moment. It just rolls in and over and around, almost like a living thing.

Thursday, September 12, 2013
THE Trip, THE Encore' :: Santa Rosa to Greenbrae California, San Fran Here We Come
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
On May 9, 2013 Man and I left the wine country area and drove 40 miles to Greenbrae California, which is just north of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Some of you may remember the flat tire issue/rant. Sure made a LOUD bang/pop when it blew. Man and I both knew immediately, flat tire.
After the flat tire was changed we continued to Greenbrae. The campsites were small, but, ooh, we were so close to San Francisco. The staff could not have been nicer, really nice! They make it their jobs to show you how to get in and out of San Fran and not need to move your truck out of the campground. It involves some walking, buses and ferries, but, you don't have to fight ole big butt Jolly and the narrow roads, and no parking situations. Despite the buses and ferries, we did indeed take Jolly to town once. Just once, tell ya about that next time.
After the excitement of the day, we decided to take a little stroll out behind the park, maybe walk off a bit of the stress - -
The road to no where, or the road less traveled. Abandoned rail road tracks.
This is a low lying area, a bit marshy, with well worn paths indicating that it is a area many like to walk in, many with dogs.
With much zoom, I captured this water bird stalking for it's dinner:
And to end the evening, a golden sunset, looking west:
The next few days, San Fran. It was quite the experience.

On May 9, 2013 Man and I left the wine country area and drove 40 miles to Greenbrae California, which is just north of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Some of you may remember the flat tire issue/rant. Sure made a LOUD bang/pop when it blew. Man and I both knew immediately, flat tire.
After the flat tire was changed we continued to Greenbrae. The campsites were small, but, ooh, we were so close to San Francisco. The staff could not have been nicer, really nice! They make it their jobs to show you how to get in and out of San Fran and not need to move your truck out of the campground. It involves some walking, buses and ferries, but, you don't have to fight ole big butt Jolly and the narrow roads, and no parking situations. Despite the buses and ferries, we did indeed take Jolly to town once. Just once, tell ya about that next time.
After the excitement of the day, we decided to take a little stroll out behind the park, maybe walk off a bit of the stress - -
The road to no where, or the road less traveled. Abandoned rail road tracks.
This is a low lying area, a bit marshy, with well worn paths indicating that it is a area many like to walk in, many with dogs.
With much zoom, I captured this water bird stalking for it's dinner:
And to end the evening, a golden sunset, looking west:
The next few days, San Fran. It was quite the experience.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Happy Birthday Man, As We Do Not Forget
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
This is a repost of the last two years 9/11 post, with a few edits to bring it up to date.
9-11,Ten, Eleven, Twelve Years Later, We Remember, Two Opposing Emotions
Has it really been10 , 11, 12 years? Hard to believe, but true.
Yes, we all know and remember where we were on that crisp, sunny, bright, September morn10 , 11, 12 years ago. As family historians have you recorded your thoughts, your view points, your fears, your concerns? I did, in an abbreviated form and it is recorded in my data base. Pretty much this is what it says:
Man had retired just 9 months prior, on January 1, 2001. We were adjusting to retirement, reasonably healthy. We were having a birthday celebration, and in just moments, our lives and those of everyone we knew, of the entire world, changed. Really changed.
And, never again, would Man's birthday be the same, because it was now linked in some weird way to the events of 9-11. Each September 11th is now bitter sweet, his birthday and the memories, always the memories.
Lest we forget - - - those lost on that horrific day.

* Photo of Mt. Rushmore taken July 3, 2011. Photo of Man taken in Arches National Park.
This is a repost of the last two years 9/11 post, with a few edits to bring it up to date.
Has it really been
Yes, we all know and remember where we were on that crisp, sunny, bright, September morn
Man's birthday, I had cooked him a large breakfast, eggs, meat, french toast. At some point, I walked into the front room to glance at Good Morning America (who knows why, I just did) and at that very moment the second plane flew into the World Trade Tower. I saw it hit. And we spent a good part of his birthday watching the television reports. Later that evening, our boys came to celebrate their father's birthday. We called around and found a restaurant open, we went there. Business was very slow. The world surely changed that day, freedoms limited, security increased.
Man had retired just 9 months prior, on January 1, 2001. We were adjusting to retirement, reasonably healthy. We were having a birthday celebration, and in just moments, our lives and those of everyone we knew, of the entire world, changed. Really changed.
And, never again, would Man's birthday be the same, because it was now linked in some weird way to the events of 9-11. Each September 11th is now bitter sweet, his birthday and the memories, always the memories.
Lest we forget - - - those lost on that horrific day.
And, Happy Birthday Man!

* Photo of Mt. Rushmore taken July 3, 2011. Photo of Man taken in Arches National Park.
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