Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Stick Built Spring Flowers, Back in SE Michigan

Copyright 2015, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

Well, we have arrived back in SE Michigan.  I took these with the cell phone as we walked around the yard and took stock of conditions.  (Originally uploaded to my Facebook page, I downloaded and tweaked a little via digital editing for Reflections.)  Many twigs and limbs down, even the top of a dead tree (saves us from having to cut that part off, eh?).  Pond and swamp water levels down.  It's been dry.  Of course, it rained all day yesterday.  

The bleeding hearts are in bloom.

Dafs that we moved last year.  Nice show.

Mini grape hyacinths.  

Wild violets that have crept into the lawn.

Tulips, happy to have any, they have suffered the last few years.  I see some grass that needs pulling out of that bed.

Pink star magnolia.  Last year almost no blooms, very happy to see how many this year.

Bright pink of the flowering crab.  Loaded with blooms.  Which means, later this year, it will be loaded with little crabby things that hang around till the deer get them, or they fall off.  

Man has already cut the front of the lot.  First though he had to go "flatten" the mole hills.  SIGH.

And, so, spring has arrived in SE Michigan, and soon the weeding and dead tree cutting will commence.

The peepers are abundant and their songs at night are downright deafening.  Not hearing too many geese honking, not sure why.

Yep, we are back. 



Magda said...

Even though it was a long, hard winter...the flowers are blooming !

FranE said...

Love your spring flowers. :-)

Carol said...

Thank you both.