Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
Near Bullhead City Arizona you can find the Mother Road, Route 66 and the "town" of Oatman. They mined gold around Oatman, but the claim to fame now has to be the burrows that roam the town. Obviously the burrows wander around outside of town as well:
Looking up the main drag:
I think one really should leave this dude a good tip, don't you. He is kinda creepy.
Ole mining towns have to have old wheels.
I debated whether I should include this photo, but, well, here it is, so, looks like I lost the debate, eh? No, you are not looking at a rather healthy collection of cacti, you are looking at the sign. In case you cannot read it, it says, Don't cr*p in the cactus. OK, you have been warned!
Another warning sign:
Sign hangin' outside the Oatman Hotel.
Clark Gable and Carole Lombard were married in Kingman (just up the road a piece) in 1939 and honeymooned in the Oatman Hotel. The hotel had a copy of the marriage license displayed on the wall, The genie in me could not resist this photo.
You can draw your own decisions on what this next photo means. Looks to me that the wild wild west is still a bit wild. Swift justice and all that, a rope hanging from a very high board. Wonder who they hung last??
But, really, one of the big draws to Oatman are the wild, err, tame burrows.
This infant just laid down in the middle of the street and took a nap.
Yes, there is a sticky note on this babie's head. It says: "STOP, Do not feed me anything."
We missed the shootout show, but, had a very nice lunch and a leisurely walk round town. Yes, you do need to go to Oatman, at least one time. I mean, old gold mines, historic hotels, and burrows walking the streets, what more do you need?? Nothing I can think of - -

Love the photos and the burros! Thanks for taking me along with you!
You proved it again, every baby is cute.
Thank you Sherry and Pam, glad to have you both along for the "ride". And, yes, babies ARE cute!
I loved the marriage license! It looks like you had a fun time there.
Thanks Barbara, it was a very nice day.
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