Today it took more than one. Took more than two. Sigh.
Well finally got Tana hooked up and we did our pull test and all was fine.
Then I went to go back into Tana when I discovered the steps were still down. GULP!!
And since I am posting this with the iPad and photos taken with same, well I have no idea if this is going to work. If not I will edit later. LOL
Well looks like you may see the photos. So, one inch from disaster.
Gotta roll and, yes, Mina, the front windshield is clean and the batteries are charged. Sony Too is ready.

Whole coffee pot, please!!! That was close, but, I think, our Maker was reminding you that something was incomplete! Good job in listening!!! Enjoy the ride!!!!
That WAS close. Did you breathe a big sigh of relief when you saw that the steps were still ok?
I used to back the boat when Hubby and I went fishing. Sometimes I did it in one try (and felt like a pro) and sometimes it took 2 or 3 attempts (when I felt like a beginner).
Oh my! Better buy a lottery ticket tonight, unless you've used up all your good luck! Whew!
The bigger question is did your husband see it or is this our little secret?
Gramma MG, it was close, no doubt about it!
Marti, I am not sure I am breathing YET! 8 hours later! LOL
Karen, that might be a good idea, come to think of it!
Lori E, he saw it. Followed by some choice mumbles under his breath.
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