This is the fun part of traveling with Jolly, Tana, and Man. Now and then we get to have meetups with other RVers and genie researchers. This time it was another Lashbrook researcher, C and her hubs M. They drove about 45 minutes to have lunch with us. They are a totally delightful couple, he has a special twinkle in his eye and she is one of the most enthusiastic researchers I have ever met. Man and C are distant cousins. In fact, the way I figure it, they are 4th cousins, once removed. So, they are cousins! LOL
Here is C and her man, hubby, M.
The cousins:
The internet friends and co-researchers:
We met and had a nice lunch (a buffet place, Man's smiling still!). Then, somehow we got chatting about geocaching and next thing I knew, they were following us around Bakersfield, experiencing one infamous U turn (yep, just one) and finding their first cache! Do you see it??
Cute stuff inside, a very very nice cache indeed, and we logged our first California cache.
A very special day, one we will hold fondly in our memories. Thank you C & M for driving all that way, it meant so much to us.

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