Friday, May 27, 2011

I Edit, Sometimes Sony Just Needs a Bit of Assistance.

Copyright 2011, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

In an attempt to be truthful, honest and transparent, I will remind my readers and followers that I DO edit photos.

I edit for many reasons, including, but not limited to:

1.)  What I see in my minds eye when I take a photo, is not always what Sony takes a photo of.  Sometimes I only want what is in the middle of the photo, but Sony takes more on each edge.  CROP!!!
2.)  One major downfall that Sony has, is that I cannot put on any filters.  Therefore, sometimes I have to edit to correct.  EDIT!

3.)  Sometimes the photos are just too dark or too light. EDIT!

4.)   Taking photos at 55 MPH was a challenge, taking them at 65 and more, is even more of a challenge.  That is why sometimes you see blurs at the bottom of the photos, those blurs are bushes and trees speeding by.  Sometimes by sharpening the photo a bit I can salvage one that is not up to snuff but that I really want to share due to subject matter.  EDIT! (And, let's be really truthful here, mmmm, sometimes I don't exactly hold the camera real still, between trying to balance bunches of other stuff and excitement, well, sometimes I jiggle Sony.  Bad me.  EDIT!)

So, yes, my friends, I do edit.  I use auto correct, brighten, darken, change the contrast, crop, and sharpen and/or sharpen edges.  Once in a blue moon (ok, sick humor there), I will change the tints or colors a bit, usually to make them closer to reality.  I do not necessarily use all these tricks, err, edits, on every photo I share with you, but, I will if I feel the end product is more of what my mind's eye saw when I took the photo.  Oh, I won't necessarily tell you each and every time I edit a photo, but sometimes I might.

For me, photography is the challenge of capturing the image, the bird, the flower, the scenery, something unusual.  And, it is also a artistic outlet for me, when I load the photo into the editor and see what I can do with it.

I hope you enjoy the results, a little bit Sony, a little bit photo editing software.

*Clip art of courtesy of

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