After almost 9.5 months we are back at the stickbuilt. More on that later.
As I review and clean up photo files and all that good stuff, sometimes I find single jewels, or what I thought were interesting tidbits. I'll share, here and there.
Today's offering is a photo of my iPad when we were arriving at Camp Itasca Campground, near the headwaters of the Mississippi River.
If you look in the top left corner you will see a little blue shiny dot, just above Lake Itasca and Itasca State Park. That is where we were, at Camp Itasca, in real time, right then, when I took this photo.
If you look down in the bottom right corner you will see where the RV campground app said it was. I think it was well over 20 miles away! Really!
This app allows for corrections. Yes, I sent one in, from the campground, NOT from where they thought it was. The correct automatically recognizes you are at a different location than they have in their records. Very slick actually.
A real
When we called this campground for available campsites something told me something was VERY VERY wrong. I have no idea, but, I was very much on edge and Man strongly suggested (by handing me the phone) that I chat with the work camper who was taking our names to hold our site. I guess I had good reason to be on edge, my 6th sense and the hairs on the back of my neck told me to double/triple check on the location of this campground. I am SOOO glad I listened to my screaming intuition.
It was a great little campground, and we totally enjoyed our short visit there.

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