Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
This blog post is part of my participation in a weekly writing meme called, "The Book of Me, Written By You" You too can be part of this experiment/experience, there is information at this Facebook page.
I may or may not publicly share what I write each week. This week I share.
This weeks prompt is a recognized psychology test: Ask yourself 20 times “Who are you?” Each time you should give yourself a different answer, and if you can easily go beyond 20 entries then that is fine too. This prompt is about how YOU see YOU.
Here we go, I am:
1.) Woman, and all that entails! You figure it out! LOL
2.) Wife, mother, sister, child, grandmother, mother-in-law, family member.
3.) Lover of antiques and family heirlooms.
4.) Diabetic, I call it the Demon. I think it is spot on descriptive.
5.) RVer! See # 19 and # 20.
6.) Family researcher.
7.) Teller of stories, some true, others??? You be the judge.
8.) Verbose and one who is frequently accused of being an exaggerator. Admit readily to verbose. Not so readily admit to exaggerator, even if it is true.
9.) Wanna be photographer. Frustrated artist.
10.) Quiet about my political stands and belief, but, not quiet about my belief in the power of prayer, positive thinking and my Maker.
11.) Lover of color, bold color is best. Purple is the bestest of all!
12.) Lover of yorkshire terriors, yorkies.
13.) Badger, as in tenacious. Not a quitter.
14.) Strong believer in volunteerism, believing strongly in giving back and paying it forward. (Thank those that volunteer and give it more than 1000%. Thank them again.)
15.) Your true blue friend, but, as a personality flaw, don't lie to me, cause, I then I will have trouble continuing being your true blue friend. Yep, HUGE personality flaw. I can take the truth, even ugly truth, I don't do lies.
16.) Lover of techy, hater of techy.
17.) Sometimes a gardener, must have my house plants with me, even when we travel.
18.) Crafter, sometimes, sorta.
19.) Lover of water, ponds, lakes, oceans, waterfalls. Especially waterfalls.
20.) Lover of history, small town USA, peanut butter, U.S. National Parks, state parks cross the nation, peanut butter, (ooo, said that one already), libraries, archives.
All this and more, some call me brave and adventurous, but, don't be taking me on a tram, especially the one in Palm Springs California.
*Photo of badger thanks to Yathin S Krishnappa, Wikipedia page on the American Badger.
**Graphic found somewhere on the internet several years ago, source data long lost.
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- THE Trip, THE Encore' :: The Maps, Part Two
- THE Trip, THE Encore' :: The Maps, Part Three
- 2013 Thankful November
- Families Past :: Pedigree Charts
- Edna May Fenton Stevens Time Line Experiments
- Winter Sojourn 2014/15 :: The Maps
- Reflection's Contibutions to the Worldwide Genealo...
- Reflections Visits Nova Scotia
- European Union Stuff.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
WHICH Lashbrook is this??
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
I recently added a new pay site to my genie research war chest, I found a discount offer in my email, and since we are home for a bit, I tried, but, I could not resist the offer.
So, as soon as I paid, I started with my most wanted, always the Lashbrook clan. I found in the first couple of hours, two wedding announcements, and the report of a car accident, wonderful tidbits to add to the database. (The injuries in the auto accident were serious, but, not fatal. So glad as Man and I were able to visit this couple many many years later, they were gracious and kind and sharing. They are now both gone, but we have fond memories of our visit.
Then this morning I found in "The Anaconda Standard", (Anaconda, Montana), 22 February 1903 • Page 2, this little jewel:
"They All Go To Prison
Sopkane, Wash., Feb 21. John Nolan, who attempted to hold up a man named Lashbrook on Main avenue in this city, was sentenced by Judge Richardson this morning to two years in the state prison. Nolan's excuse was drunkenness. Carl Heffner and E. F. Williams were sentenced to one year each for stealing goods from freight cars. They were partners of Lee, who, when arrested, broke away from the officers and leaped into the river and was drowned."
Despite the frustration over this particular article, I am excited to review the newspapers offered by Never can have enough newspaper articles on those ancestors!

* As noted, I have paid for my subscription to this web site. They did not ask me for a review, I get no freebies, I did have a discounted membership offer, which I greedily took advantage of. Please see my Disclaimer tab at the top of this blog for more disclaimers.
** I will be reviewing my data base, I have suspects, Mr. Lashbrook, I am hunting ya down.
I recently added a new pay site to my genie research war chest, I found a discount offer in my email, and since we are home for a bit, I tried, but, I could not resist the offer.
So, as soon as I paid, I started with my most wanted, always the Lashbrook clan. I found in the first couple of hours, two wedding announcements, and the report of a car accident, wonderful tidbits to add to the database. (The injuries in the auto accident were serious, but, not fatal. So glad as Man and I were able to visit this couple many many years later, they were gracious and kind and sharing. They are now both gone, but we have fond memories of our visit.
Then this morning I found in "The Anaconda Standard", (Anaconda, Montana), 22 February 1903 • Page 2, this little jewel:
"They All Go To Prison
Sopkane, Wash., Feb 21. John Nolan, who attempted to hold up a man named Lashbrook on Main avenue in this city, was sentenced by Judge Richardson this morning to two years in the state prison. Nolan's excuse was drunkenness. Carl Heffner and E. F. Williams were sentenced to one year each for stealing goods from freight cars. They were partners of Lee, who, when arrested, broke away from the officers and leaped into the river and was drowned."
OHHH, which Lashbrook???
Despite the frustration over this particular article, I am excited to review the newspapers offered by Never can have enough newspaper articles on those ancestors!

* As noted, I have paid for my subscription to this web site. They did not ask me for a review, I get no freebies, I did have a discounted membership offer, which I greedily took advantage of. Please see my Disclaimer tab at the top of this blog for more disclaimers.
** I will be reviewing my data base, I have suspects, Mr. Lashbrook, I am hunting ya down.
Friday, August 30, 2013
THE Trip, THE Encore' :: Locke California, Chinese National Historic Landmark
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
May 3, 2013 Still four months behind, time flies when you are having fun!
The MOC Spring Rally at Jackson was over, we had a great time, so glad we came. We moved Tana 45 miles to Lodi California area to spend a few days with MOC friends Bob and Mina. They took us to Locke California. Locke was "built by Chinese immigrants during the early 20th century. It was originally named Lockeport after George Locke." Please do visit the Wikipedia page for the run down on the interesting history of Locke.
This is the Chinese School Museum, which was closed when we visited.
A view down the street, Locke Chinese Medicine.
Man and friend Bob inspecting this beautiful monument in Locke Memorial Park, dedicated October 8, 2006.
A close up of one of the "tiles".
In the park we find a small water garden. There were lily pads blooming and over at Flora and Fauna I have photos of what else was enjoying the water garden.
Man found the local theater. In past years the theater was a Chinese opera, a gambling den, and a brothel.
Man and Mina inspecting the - - well, what WAS that thing??
Back at Locke Chinese Medicine, we find they are supporting the local cats, and the kitty paw thanks you.
Yep, cat food in a pretty copper odd shaped bowl.
And, the local beneficiary of your kindness. Looks like kitty has been benefiting quite well. He (or she) was a rather large kitty, plump too. I thought kitty was an unusual color.
Thank you Bob and Mina for introducing us to Locke and it's fascinating history.

May 3, 2013 Still four months behind, time flies when you are having fun!
The MOC Spring Rally at Jackson was over, we had a great time, so glad we came. We moved Tana 45 miles to Lodi California area to spend a few days with MOC friends Bob and Mina. They took us to Locke California. Locke was "built by Chinese immigrants during the early 20th century. It was originally named Lockeport after George Locke." Please do visit the Wikipedia page for the run down on the interesting history of Locke.
This is the Chinese School Museum, which was closed when we visited.
A view down the street, Locke Chinese Medicine.
Man and friend Bob inspecting this beautiful monument in Locke Memorial Park, dedicated October 8, 2006.
A close up of one of the "tiles".
In the park we find a small water garden. There were lily pads blooming and over at Flora and Fauna I have photos of what else was enjoying the water garden.
Man found the local theater. In past years the theater was a Chinese opera, a gambling den, and a brothel.
Man and Mina inspecting the - - well, what WAS that thing??
Back at Locke Chinese Medicine, we find they are supporting the local cats, and the kitty paw thanks you.
Yep, cat food in a pretty copper odd shaped bowl.
And, the local beneficiary of your kindness. Looks like kitty has been benefiting quite well. He (or she) was a rather large kitty, plump too. I thought kitty was an unusual color.
Thank you Bob and Mina for introducing us to Locke and it's fascinating history.

Thursday, August 29, 2013
THE Trip, THE Encore" :: Sutter Creek California
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
May 2, 2013. Actual date of our visit. Still behind, working on it!
Sutter Creek, also seems to have a few AKA names, per Wikipedia:
"...formerly spelled Sutter's Creek and Suttercreek; formerly named Suttersville..."
Sutter Creek "was named after John Sutter," "Sutter's discovery of gold at nearby Coloma in January 1848 triggered the California Gold Rush." Yes, indeedy, we are in the heart of gold country! The population census of 2010 counted 2,501 as residents.
We drove over as we had heard from other MOC Rally attendees that Sutter Creek was a nice place to spend a few hours, and, it was. We found a spot to park Jolly on a side street and wandered back towards the main street. We found, long the way, the J. Monteverde General Store Museum, which was not open. I was able to snap a few photos through the windows. These wicker covered bottles were unusual to me.
A local gal was out walking and stopped to chat with us. She was a wealth of information, so proud of her town. We inquired about lunch, she gave us a few ideas, and after a few minutes of enjoyable chatter, off we went in search of her suggestions.
Lunch outside under umbrellas, roses and lights. The food was excellent, we did not hurry, it was quite delightful. Highly recommend Susan's Place.
After lunch we wandered and strolled around town, sometimes we actually wander into a business. How's this for fun? This is where we discovered Dryers peanut butter ice cream. We only found it in one other place, in Seaside Oregon and never discovered it in any grocery stores (not for lack of trying to find it, mind you). I cannot tell you how yummy that peanut butter ice cream was. Plain peanut butter. No chocolate, no peanut butter pieces, just plain PEANUT BUTTER! (I might have to do a net search on this unavailable situation.)
Man loves the old theaters, so for him, building dated 1919. (The year his father was born. Wow!)
Strolling down the street, pretty flowers, great shutters.
Our MOC friends were correct, Sutter Creek was a great little town to spend a few hours in.

May 2, 2013. Actual date of our visit. Still behind, working on it!
Sutter Creek, also seems to have a few AKA names, per Wikipedia:
"...formerly spelled Sutter's Creek and Suttercreek; formerly named Suttersville..."
Sutter Creek "was named after John Sutter," "Sutter's discovery of gold at nearby Coloma in January 1848 triggered the California Gold Rush." Yes, indeedy, we are in the heart of gold country! The population census of 2010 counted 2,501 as residents.
We drove over as we had heard from other MOC Rally attendees that Sutter Creek was a nice place to spend a few hours, and, it was. We found a spot to park Jolly on a side street and wandered back towards the main street. We found, long the way, the J. Monteverde General Store Museum, which was not open. I was able to snap a few photos through the windows. These wicker covered bottles were unusual to me.
A local gal was out walking and stopped to chat with us. She was a wealth of information, so proud of her town. We inquired about lunch, she gave us a few ideas, and after a few minutes of enjoyable chatter, off we went in search of her suggestions.
Lunch outside under umbrellas, roses and lights. The food was excellent, we did not hurry, it was quite delightful. Highly recommend Susan's Place.
After lunch we wandered and strolled around town, sometimes we actually wander into a business. How's this for fun? This is where we discovered Dryers peanut butter ice cream. We only found it in one other place, in Seaside Oregon and never discovered it in any grocery stores (not for lack of trying to find it, mind you). I cannot tell you how yummy that peanut butter ice cream was. Plain peanut butter. No chocolate, no peanut butter pieces, just plain PEANUT BUTTER! (I might have to do a net search on this unavailable situation.)
Man loves the old theaters, so for him, building dated 1919. (The year his father was born. Wow!)
Strolling down the street, pretty flowers, great shutters.
Our MOC friends were correct, Sutter Creek was a great little town to spend a few hours in.

THE Trip, THE Encore' :: Ione California
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
April 30, 2013. Yes, I am still 4 months behind the actual visit. (Hear me sigh.)
After our visit to Preston Castle it was time for lunch and a stroll through town. Ione has more AKA names than I think I have ever seen before, per the Wikipedia article, it was formerly known as - -
"Bed Bug, Bedbug, Freeze Out, Hardscrabble, Ione City, Woosterville, Jone City, Jone Valley, and Rickeyville".
Ione was founded around 1848, in 2010 the population census reported 7,918 souls.
OK, gotta love the library, in the old building. And, how bout that railing along the second stories??
And, the Masonic Lodge, well kept, first purchased for the Masons in 1884, a plaque, dated 1971, states it was still owned by them in 1971. The building was originally a hardware store (first floor) with a dance parlor above!
On the City Hall building:
Just behind City Hall, they have a lovely small park area, jam packed with history and a rose garden. This is Iron Ivan, Old No 7, last steam locomotive to operate over the Amador Central Railroad, 12 (? online sources disagree about the distance) mile long railroad, all within Amador County, one of the shortest railroads in the country (per signage at the display). The engine was manufactured in 1901, made it's last run in Amador County in 1956.
Dedicated to the Pioneer Men and Women of Ione, erected July 21, 1935.
Carl Vollmer Rose Garden:
I liked how pink and reds seemed to be growing on the same rose bush (is that possible, rose growing friends?)
On another corner in town, the Ione Veterans Memorial Wall and other monuments dedicated to the memory of their war heros:
We found Ione to be delightful and enjoyed our short stroll through town.

April 30, 2013. Yes, I am still 4 months behind the actual visit. (Hear me sigh.)
After our visit to Preston Castle it was time for lunch and a stroll through town. Ione has more AKA names than I think I have ever seen before, per the Wikipedia article, it was formerly known as - -
"Bed Bug, Bedbug, Freeze Out, Hardscrabble, Ione City, Woosterville, Jone City, Jone Valley, and Rickeyville".
Ione was founded around 1848, in 2010 the population census reported 7,918 souls.
OK, gotta love the library, in the old building. And, how bout that railing along the second stories??
And, the Masonic Lodge, well kept, first purchased for the Masons in 1884, a plaque, dated 1971, states it was still owned by them in 1971. The building was originally a hardware store (first floor) with a dance parlor above!
On the City Hall building:
Just behind City Hall, they have a lovely small park area, jam packed with history and a rose garden. This is Iron Ivan, Old No 7, last steam locomotive to operate over the Amador Central Railroad, 12 (? online sources disagree about the distance) mile long railroad, all within Amador County, one of the shortest railroads in the country (per signage at the display). The engine was manufactured in 1901, made it's last run in Amador County in 1956.
Dedicated to the Pioneer Men and Women of Ione, erected July 21, 1935.
Carl Vollmer Rose Garden:
I liked how pink and reds seemed to be growing on the same rose bush (is that possible, rose growing friends?)
On another corner in town, the Ione Veterans Memorial Wall and other monuments dedicated to the memory of their war heros:
We found Ione to be delightful and enjoyed our short stroll through town.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013
THE Trip, THE Encore' :: Preston Castle, Ione, California :: A Ghost Lives Here, Maybe - -
Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
April 30, 2013. Yes, we are still four months behind on the blog posts from the actual date of visit.
Our MOC Rally hosts arranged for the group to have a private tour. Thanks for their hard work, it was very different and very interesting experience.
Near Ione, California, Preston School of Industry was the result of an act of the California State Legislature in 1889. The purpose of the school was to rehabilitate delinquent boys, aged 15 to 21. The first boys arrived in 1893. The boys were trained in cultivation and animal husbandry. Their work provided large portions of the food required to feed all the boys in residence. By the 1960's the school was out of the cultivation and food production business. In fact, the school building was replaced and was left to the vandals and the damage that Mother Nature can bring.
In 2001 The Preston Castle Foundation received a fifty-year lease for the property. It has "been named a California State Historical Landmark (#867) and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NPS-75000422)". The building and annexes, 4 floors, plus a basement contain 46,000 square feet.
Isn't this great stuff?? The architecture was marvelous, even though most of it was a bit worn, well, sometimes more than a bit.
Heels on the shoes of the inmates were notched, so as to make tracking down any escapees easier.
A lower hallway. Much of the building was damaged, and/or stripped of anything valuable. Love the window over the doors, which can be opened for ventilation. I remember those from my grade school days, back in the middle ages.
This shows some of the extreme damage. The roof leaked and serious damage to the walls, and floors resulted.
Rooms at the end of the hallways, windows, shapes other than square rooms. My kind of architecture.
This is the infirmary.
Scratched into the slats on one of the beds.
Another room at the end of the hallway, on another floor. You can see how much of the interior has been stripped. The plaster is missing, you can see the wooden slats that would hold the plaster to the walls. Brick exterior, and again, those windows. In my mind's eye I can see this freshly plastered, painted, some comfy furniture, heavy drapes drawn back to allow the warming winter sun in. A tasty drink of choice, a good book - - - Oh, and clean windows! LOL
Would love to decorate this room!
EEEEEKKKK! NOOO, it is not a real rat, just someones dark sense of humor.
Deep in the storage area near the kitchen, there is a memorial of sorts for Mrs. Corbin. Someone left her flowers - -
And, no, I did not see her ghost during our visit.
Original curtains, shredded from time. This photo speaks to me, whispering stories from times past, of young boys, hard times, failures and successes. Do you hear the stories too, slipping between the fabric remnants?
Oh, and there was this sign, for a gal not used to living in earthquake territory, I have to say, it is still a bit discerning. But, NOT enough to keep me outside the building and missing the tour.
The tour was interesting, the docents well versed in their subject. This is not a mansion tour like I have been on in Charleston South Carolina, nor even like Scotty's Castle in Death Valley. I did not experience Mrs. Corbin, but, there were shadows of souls everywhere in this building. So many stories, screaming to be told and retold. A very interesting day and building, have no doubt.

April 30, 2013. Yes, we are still four months behind on the blog posts from the actual date of visit.
Our MOC Rally hosts arranged for the group to have a private tour. Thanks for their hard work, it was very different and very interesting experience.
Near Ione, California, Preston School of Industry was the result of an act of the California State Legislature in 1889. The purpose of the school was to rehabilitate delinquent boys, aged 15 to 21. The first boys arrived in 1893. The boys were trained in cultivation and animal husbandry. Their work provided large portions of the food required to feed all the boys in residence. By the 1960's the school was out of the cultivation and food production business. In fact, the school building was replaced and was left to the vandals and the damage that Mother Nature can bring.
In 2001 The Preston Castle Foundation received a fifty-year lease for the property. It has "been named a California State Historical Landmark (#867) and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NPS-75000422)". The building and annexes, 4 floors, plus a basement contain 46,000 square feet.
Isn't this great stuff?? The architecture was marvelous, even though most of it was a bit worn, well, sometimes more than a bit.
Heels on the shoes of the inmates were notched, so as to make tracking down any escapees easier.
A lower hallway. Much of the building was damaged, and/or stripped of anything valuable. Love the window over the doors, which can be opened for ventilation. I remember those from my grade school days, back in the middle ages.
This shows some of the extreme damage. The roof leaked and serious damage to the walls, and floors resulted.
Rooms at the end of the hallways, windows, shapes other than square rooms. My kind of architecture.
This is the infirmary.
Scratched into the slats on one of the beds.
Another room at the end of the hallway, on another floor. You can see how much of the interior has been stripped. The plaster is missing, you can see the wooden slats that would hold the plaster to the walls. Brick exterior, and again, those windows. In my mind's eye I can see this freshly plastered, painted, some comfy furniture, heavy drapes drawn back to allow the warming winter sun in. A tasty drink of choice, a good book - - - Oh, and clean windows! LOL
Would love to decorate this room!
EEEEEKKKK! NOOO, it is not a real rat, just someones dark sense of humor.
The kitchen, in the basement area. This was the kitchen of Mrs. Anna Corbin. She was a mom to many of the boys, but in 1950 she was found in the kitchen pantry area, bludgeoned to death. The boy accused of this crime was tried three times and found not guilty each time. It is said her ghost lives in the Castle.
Deep in the storage area near the kitchen, there is a memorial of sorts for Mrs. Corbin. Someone left her flowers - -
And, no, I did not see her ghost during our visit.
Original curtains, shredded from time. This photo speaks to me, whispering stories from times past, of young boys, hard times, failures and successes. Do you hear the stories too, slipping between the fabric remnants?
Oh, and there was this sign, for a gal not used to living in earthquake territory, I have to say, it is still a bit discerning. But, NOT enough to keep me outside the building and missing the tour.
The tour was interesting, the docents well versed in their subject. This is not a mansion tour like I have been on in Charleston South Carolina, nor even like Scotty's Castle in Death Valley. I did not experience Mrs. Corbin, but, there were shadows of souls everywhere in this building. So many stories, screaming to be told and retold. A very interesting day and building, have no doubt.

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