Late last evening, I posted about a little sewing kit I now believe belonged to Edna May Fenton Stevens.
Our first take was, this was something that Son # 3's grandfather carried during WWII. But, my late evening research last night made me question this. You can revisit that entire post
Anne, asked: “could it be a world war I soldier's kit? “
Yes, Anne, maybe it could be, the time frame seems to fit. To discuss this, let's review the relationships, noting Son # 3 assumed this sewing kit belonged to his grandfather, Art.
Art's parents were Edna and Art Stevens, only Art Stevens, the husband of Edna was also known as Archie Lashbrook. (Full name, Archibald Norman Lashbrook)
I have discussed Edna before here at Reflections. Edna was the subject of my contribution to the
91st Carnival of Genealogy, A Tribute to Women! The Biography, where I discuss her secretiveness and the years of her life that we have NO information on, her MIA years. Fact, I have NO idea where Edna was from 1901 to 1918 when she married Art/Archie.
I have briefly mentioned Art/Archie, husband of Edna and father of Art. I need to write more about Archie, he is interesting to say the least, this name changing stuff, and more secrets! Fact, I have no idea where Art/Archie was for parts of 1916, 1917 and 1918. I have some ideas tho. Before 1916 and after 1918 I know where he was and pretty much, what he was doing.
Most references I have found state that WWI began in 1914, so, time wise, Art/Archie could have served during WWI, but only part of 1916, 1917 and the first months of 1918. I have nothing that tells me he did, nothing that tells me he did not, except dates, he married Edna in May of 1918, WWI did not end till November of 1918. Maybe sometime I will turn up a document or something, but, so far, nadda.
So, there are more questions than answers. Art, the WWII solider, could have indeed carried this little sewing kit to war, something we will probably never know (while we are on this side). Maybe his mother, Edna, gave it to him. Maybe it was really Art/Archie's little sewing kit, as I noted above, it is possible that he served in WWI.
So, yes, Anne, it could be a WWI issue sewing kit. Now, I will never profess to understanding all this war stuff, but, unless this sewing kit was a gift from the USO or something akin to that, I have to say, that I seriously doubt that Uncle Sam would issue gear with a private endorsement, everything I have ever seen was clearly government issue with US stamped all over it.
(A quick google tells us that the USO was organized in 1941, well after WWI. )
I still feel the sewing kit belonged to Edna, and her son, Art had kept it as a memento.

The box Son # 3 and I photographed last night also contained a Zippo lighter and a tie tack. These items I know belonged to Art (Son # 3's grandfather) and I know they did not go to war with Art. So, the box contents are not exclusively WWII era items.
Photo, the Zippo, which may very well be the infamous "burned the hand" Zippo. Another story waiting to be told.
Karen also addressed the sewing kit, “Interesting find - is that piece below the thread the "lid", perhaps?” Yes, Karen, that is the lid.
*Thanks for the questions Anne and Karen, made me revisit, rethink, contemplate, all good things.
Copyright 2010, CABS for Reflections From the Fence