Classic Arizona, palo verde, saguaro, black stones and mountains in the background.
We were running with no concrete reservations, the campgrounds said, "just come on in". Then, we called and found out the offices would be closed, 2 to 4 hours before we would arrive. Seriously, how do we come in with no one there to answer the phone, assign us a site, etc., etc. This little issue made us rethink where we would stop/stay.
A phone call or two and we found an alternative campground. Changed the plans, our normal. We ended up in Buckeye Arizona and will end up staying here for a month. These are side by side hookups, a situation that many RVers do not care for. The campground is extremely clean, they run a very tight ship and the monthly rent is quite reasonable. We have major shopping just 1.1 miles from the entrance of the campground. Seems this is where we were meant to be.
Cell tower within feet:
Never have seen this. It is a sewer system vent. Yep. From what we can figure, this type of venting was required many years ago. It is not required now. It is scheduled to be removed. So, we are looking at an antique. LOL And, it seems the system is an antique that some RVers do not understand. We saw a review of this park online that said these sewer vents smell up the campground. NOOOO. They do not. There is however, about a mile southwest of here, a cow farm. Now and then when they spread the manure, if the wind is just right, well, ya, the odors can fly a mile or more. Fact, they have spread the manure a few nights while we have been here. Fact, the unpleasantness only lasts a short time. Fact, we have the same issue at the stick built now and then. Fact, it has not been a huge issue for us, we keep the door closed and ditto the windows. Fact, the sewer vents are not an issue, but, an oddity that we had never seen before, probably never will again.
Never have seen this either. Impressed? Yes, we were.
Home for the month of February while we try to wait out Mother Nature and Ole Man Winter - bring on spring!! In the meantime, a bit of ill luck turned good, very good! The finances are getting a bit of a rest, as are Man and I. We sometimes hear the jets from Luke Air Force Base fly around practicing (so far, no photos).
There have been a few nice sunsets too, both taken from the campground, different evenings.
Not bad, if you can overlook the electric wires, SIGHH. Got vibrancy tho!
We are doing a little sightseeing and a lot of reality days. We visited the Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium (see photos at Flora and Fauna) and Wickenburg during their Guld Rush Days.
Buckeye turned out to be just fine, thank you. Funny how things work out sometimes.

love the sunsets
I have never seen such a great idea in support,of our troops. Hopefully, all your readers can pass this suggestion on to other Rv parks. Love the sunset pics. Nothing like a sunset in the southwest.
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