Jasia at Creative Gene is hosting this years iGene Awards. As always, mega thanks to Jasia.
The parameters of the iGene COG:
"We'll announce our best blog posts from the previous year (in this case, 2011) in the following 5 categories: Best Picture (that would be a photograph), Best Screen Play (story you would make into a movie including the cast), Best Documentary (investigative research), Best Biography, Best Comedy."
With the first category I am in a huge bit of trouble. Best Picture, aka, photo. Snicker, snicker, snicker. I don't know how many photos I posted in 2011, but, it was the year of THE Trip, so there were hundreds of photos. Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, Zion, Capital Reef, Bryce, Grand Canyon, Canyonlands, Arches, Monument Valley, Sedona, and that is just some of what I photographed and shared here. So, here is the deal, I have chosen some of my favorites. They will appear in this post.
Above: Monument Valley, Utah
Above: Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park
Apache Lake, near Roosevelt, Arizona as the sun begins to set. |
Sunset at Gila Bend, Arizona |
Mesa Arch, Canyonlands National Park, Island in the Sky District |
This post was eventually "found" by some Civil War buffs and a fabulous amount of conversation and information was posted to the blog post and to me privately in email. Yes, indeedy, this series was a total WIN. This series also receives an honorable mention in the Best Screen Play category.
Above: Man experiences carrying a World War II pack, as his father did. The experience was very moving and left a lasting impression. Photo taken at Camp Verde Arizona.
Monument Valley, Utah |
Above: Wolfe Ranch, Arches National Park, Moab, Arizona. Photo artistically enhanced.
Above: Signal Mountain Road, Grand Tetons, National Park.
And, thus ends the 2012 iGene Awards, brought to you by Reflections, Sony, THE Trip, and a bit of family research. The awards will come to you live from lovely Gulf Shores Alabama, where we wear shorts and jeans, not formal attire.
At the after party Man and I will feast on seafood, deep fried chicken, gumbo, cheesy grits, home made biscuits and sausage gravy, baked sweet potatoes, deep fried okra, macaroni and cheese (thick and guaranteed gooey!), banana pudding with sliced bananas and vanilla wafers, apple or peach cobbler, all washed down with some sweet tea (not sweetened tea, real sweet tea).
The red carpet will be a bit gritty, as our presentation and the after party will be taking place down at the world famous Gulf Shore beaches of soft white sand. The evening will conclude with a beautiful sunset and a LONG LONG walk down the beach (will have to be long to walk off all that great food we pigged out on, eh?)
Congratulations to the winners, now, party down! Bring on the grits (both the sandy ones and the cheesy ones)!
At the after party Man and I will feast on seafood, deep fried chicken, gumbo, cheesy grits, home made biscuits and sausage gravy, baked sweet potatoes, deep fried okra, macaroni and cheese (thick and guaranteed gooey!), banana pudding with sliced bananas and vanilla wafers, apple or peach cobbler, all washed down with some sweet tea (not sweetened tea, real sweet tea).
The red carpet will be a bit gritty, as our presentation and the after party will be taking place down at the world famous Gulf Shore beaches of soft white sand. The evening will conclude with a beautiful sunset and a LONG LONG walk down the beach (will have to be long to walk off all that great food we pigged out on, eh?)
Congratulations to the winners, now, party down! Bring on the grits (both the sandy ones and the cheesy ones)!

* Even though I have not shown links to the photos, all have appeared on Reflections during the calendar year of 2011, with the one noted exception.
And the iGene Award goes to ... What fun to revisit some of your trip locations and be reminded of wonderful adventures. Even though you are a winner, don't eat everything at your celebration dinner, you'll be sick. Cheers!
I'll have to admit I did go a bit overboard with the menu! LOL Good ole southern cookin'. I think I will go for a walk RIGHT now!
Thanks for the reminder of the awesome The Trip pictures and memories! As to the menu.... how many people are you serving??? LOL!!! Great post as usual.
Those photographs are beautiful. I couldn't pick just one.
Signal mountain road and Apache Lake are my favorites, but they are all very good. It depends a lot on the catagory as the one with Man and the pack is a great story in itself
Oh, wow, you had so many deserving entries - "an embarrassment of riches"! I still laugh at the Horny Mouse story. The pictures are amazing, but what is even more amazing is that you ended up with so many unforgettable stories.
Grandma MG, we can serve as many as necessary, just a phone call to the local eatery! :-)))
Thank you Kristin
Choosing even 10 photos from last year's collection was painfully delightful. Thanks Jan.
Thanks Greta, it was quite the year, no doubt about it.
Truly Gorgeous Photos! I have dreamed of a trip like the one you had through the state parks.
Well, I don't know how you did it, Carol, but my hat is off to you. You did a marvelous job of selecting from among your many, many, terrific photos from last year. Great choices!
And thank you for participating in the COG, dear friend! I only wish I could have joined you in that celebratory dinner. Boy, you sure got my mouth watering just reading about it, lol!!! Enjoy that warm weather and those sea breezes. I think of you often and always with envy. ;-)
Thank you Elisse. We dreamed of this trip for over 30 years, totally fab!!!!!!!!!!
Carol humbly mumbling, stumbling over my words, thank you ever so much Jasia. Thank you.
Oh my! What a treat! While I remember most of these, that first one I do not remember seeing. It is so beautiful that it is beyond me to express in words. And you know, your animal photos, some of them are so neatly balanced with the other objects in the photo that I get to thinking you should be entering these into contests (for money I think), LOL! Great job on this COG Carol!
Thank you Lisa, you are tooooooo kind. Contests?? Photo contests?? Oh, dear, I don't feel anywhere near ready for that. But, thank you for saying so.
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