A few photos taken during our day trip to the Grand Tetons National Park, June 21, 2011. Pretty scenery and a few "critters".
Below: Chapel of the Transfigurations, near Moose Junction, Grand Tetons National Park.
Below: the water, rivers, lakes, streams, clear, the colors are amazing, gorgeous, and great reflections!
Our long long day trip was not over quite yet. We were driving past the Old Faithful area of Yellowstone National Park on our way back to Tana, when Man suggested we stop and see if the Old Faithful was close to doing the old faithful thing. We were so tired, ok, I was so tired, I really did not want to stop, but, Old Faithful was some distance from our campground, and Man pointed out to come back would be retracing our miles and since time was of the essence - -
We stopped and quickly discovered that Old Faithful was probably going to erupt in the next 20 minutes or so. So, we stayed, and Old Faithful did not disappoint, pretty much on time, there she blows:
Old Faithful is one of the most popular and very dependable, time wise. Some interesting facts are found on this page. There is a web cam set up at the Visitors Center there, but, when I checked it, all I saw was a black image.
Sony and I spied this pretty blue bird while watching the Old Faithful show, bird unidentified, lots of Sony zoom at work here, focus lacks a bit, but, isn't he pretty??
As we were leaving the area around Old Faithful another geyser erupted, I am not sure of the name of this one, but, it was (to us) just as spectacular. In fact, Man and I liked it even more! It was close to 7 PM local time, the light was starting to wane, we were some distance from the geyser, the photo does not do justice, still, tis wonderful! The structure that runs left to right along the foreground of the photo are benches, look close, to the far left, you can see a gentleman sitting, taking in the show, it will give you some perspective as to the size of this geyser.
What an end to an overwhelming, exhausting, exhilarating day!

That last geyser is amazing! Aren't you glad you sucked it up and stuck around? Sometimes that's when the BEST things happen!
Loved #2, really special, I can't imagine looking out the window to see that. Saw Old Faithful in two different years, and was disappointed in the small size, but still it is historic. Glad you saw it.
Amazing pics - it's like being on tour with you. Love the geyser photo :-) Jo
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