Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Most Delightful Day Enjoying a Fab Park in Illinois: The Estate Takes on Alaska

Copyright 2019, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

September 13, 2019

The storms went through late last night and in the early morning.  The first round had significant thunder and rain.  Sir W did not like the thunder and told it to stop.  

The morning came with much cooler and more pleasant conditions. Sun peaking out and then the clouds pretty much just going somewhere else.  At noon the temp out there is still under 70.  Truly delightful. 

As our tour is coming to an end I am starting the cleaning all the dust and grime I can find. Window edges, floors. Rugs will get done when we get back to the stickbuilt.  The Estate will be gutted, linens washed, gear will be transferred back to Tana or into the house.  Current plan is to winterize The Estate pretty much as soon as we get back.  

A nice field of corn was growing behind us.  It will be about 3 to 4 weeks before it is ready to harvest.

We had a leisurely day. The weather was spectacular.  I cleaned and cooked and cleaned some more.  I do love clean floors, I think it is a fetish.  LOL

Won’t be attempting to do Harvest Full Moon photos, too many trees and corn fields.

This view out the front of The Estate, well kept grounds, lots of fresh gravel, and a playgroup for the kiddos that was purchased from another local campground that was going out of business. (See below for a discussion on that.)  Note the auto is NOT ours, we have no toad (towed) with us.

Last night we had a very interesting discussion with one of the owners of this campground.  She told us that 2 or 3 other local campgrounds have gone out of business.  Just shut down.  Several reasons, the first she mentioned is “fighting bad reviews”.  Basically unreasonable customers. I have been know to rant now and then. (Wink, wink.) I do, try to balance the rants with unreasonable expectations. For example I won’t rant because there is a gravel site instead of poured concrete one.  People complain about all gravel sites in the west, mmmmm, dear peeps, it’s pretty water intensive to have “green” campsites in ohhhh, Tuscon.  I mean really, peeps complain about - - weird stuff.  Like there are too many buildings on a property.  The buildings are not “labeled”.  I dunno, if it is me, and a building is not labeled I just figure it’s none of my business and go about the rest of my day.  In a time when the RV industry is delivering about one half a million new units per year, campsites are tough to get now.  Not many new campgrounds are being built.  And, campground reviews that are not fair, or are just outright silly are causing established campgrounds to close their doors forever.  I suppose none of this should come as a surprise in the divisive social media times we are living through.  It is very sad tho.  

The campground photos do not come close to doing justice to just how nice this place was.  Man and I both agreed that we could have easily spent a week there, just sitting and enjoying and relaxing.

I have rough guess estimated that I have taken 6600 photos during this tour.  That does not count the ones I deleted already.  Aren't you happy that I only shared the best of the best due to time and bandwidth/connectivity issues??  Ya, I knew that.  


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