We leave Deming and drive west, next stop Benson Arizona, it is a run of about 170 miles.
When we roll I take photos, sometimes epic amounts, other times, just a few. Sometimes I take photos in such a hurry I have no idea if I have a total blur or what I hoped for. Sometimes I take them to challenge my ability to capture anything at 65 MHP with Sony on zoom. I delete the really crummy photos. Here are a few I managed to salvage, and yes, most of them were digitally edited a bit. Taking photos through Jolly tinted windows changes the color and sometimes results in a lot of haze, I play with the photos while preparing to post. Cause I can. LOL
Heading west - -
Sony and GPS and Google tell me this is near Steins New Mexico:
I'll admit, all that rust intrigues my artist/history/researcher soul. So, have a read here. You will note in this photo there is a dude in a orange top and a white pick up truck. Nope, I have no idea why - -
I took quite a few photos of the mountain top and the cloud covering it.
And, of course, a LONG LONG train. So many LONG LONG trains out here. And, this one has a mountain with a cloud hat - -
Each time we drive this section of highway we stop at the Texas Canyon Rest Stop, these photos will show you why. The shapes, the shapes.
Let's go panoramic:
And, because it is a rest stop on both sides, east and west bound, Sony zooms on the east bound scenery:
And, again, panoramic:
We will spend a few days in Benson, will visit Tombstone and Bisbee while there, favorite tourists spots. Then, it will be on to Tucson for the holidays.
