Copyright 2012, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
Time is marching on, the April 2, 2012 9 A.M. release of the 1940 U.S. Census is drawing closer and closer.
The frenzy is gathering strength for many. If you have not been caught up in the frenzy, I suggest you try doing a Google search on the term, 1940 census. Oh, yea, you will be reading for a while! LOL For example, here is
The National Archives page about the 1940. The National Archives has FAQ pages, codes, questions asked, information about enumeration district maps, instructions for the enumerators and just so much more. Why, they even have a link to
Stephen Morse's great ED finding page, which is another must place to visit, learn and use in the next few days.
For others, we are gearing up for the indexing. We have been at and practicing our indexing skills. If you have not signed up to index yet, you can do so at site.
I have no idea where Man and I will be on April 2, 2012 at 9 A.M. I can tell you that sometime that day I will be jumping on the indexing site. I hope you will all be there with me, remember, I am counting on all my friends, researching genie types and all of the rest of you too to help me get this DONE!! THE Trip, THE Encore awaits, I am really hoping we can get this done by departure date, about November 15, 2012. Maybe I am dreaming (like what is new, eh?), but, the power is with us, and in our numbers, the more of us there are to index, the sooner this will get done.
Remember, each page will be indexed by two different indexers. Any time there is a disagreement, the page will go to an arbitrator. Take your time indexing each page, even though I am in a HUGE hurry to get this done, don't hurry to the point that you make typos (mmmm, why would I know ANYTHING about this, eh??) Steady as she goes will hopefully keep the accuracy rate UP and we won't over burden the arbitrators.
We are ALL volunteers, the indexers AND the arbitrators. We all have good days and bad, but, we will get this done, it will be a great project and product and you will hear me WAHHOOOING as Tana and the new ride and Man and I and fur kids head out next November to discover more of our beautiful western USA.
Now, if I have not persuaded you with this guilt trip, then, how bout PRIZES?? Yep, there are prizes, you can find out all about it on
this page at Seems that this week the prizes are Visa gift cards, now, who can't use one of those?? Seriously.
So, sign up to index, figure out how to enter the Visa gift card contest and hold onto your hat, it is almost, ALMOST time for the 1940 census release!
* The disclaimer, there are side benefits for being a 1940 census ambassador. SOOO, I need to reveal, as part of ambassador program this blog post enters me into a drawing for an Amazon Kindle Fire, which is this weeks prize. I gotta tell ya this, so I have.