Friday, March 31, 2017

Federal Taxes Due, 1865

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

Now and then, I find interesting little tidbits to add to my data base.

One was found in the U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918 data base over at Ancestry.  

Princess Anne County, Virginia, home of my Dews clan at that time.

See, tucked in between Dyer and Davis, DEWS.  E. Dews.

Here is the full page, entries past E. Dews not included, in other words, cropped away.

A rough transcription:

ALPHABETICAL LIST of Persons in Division No Three, of Collection District No Four, of the State of Virginia, liable to a tax under the Excise laws of the United States, and the amount thereof, as assessed by A. B. Malborne, Assistant Assessor, and by John M. Donn, Assessor, returned to the Collector of said District, for the month of May, 1865.

Date of Demand: May

Name: E. Dews

Location: Princess Anne

Article or occupation: Income 1864

No in Abstract: 241


Valuation: 167

Rate of tax:   5 per ??

Amount of Tax Upon Particular Article  

Total: 83.57

If you happen to be a member of Ancestry, there is a description of the data base and the laws (in brief) here.  If you are not a paid member, you may (or not) be able to access this via a public library that offers Ancestry to it's clients.  A "Carol" summary is: on July 1, 1862 Congress passed the Internal Revenue Act, so as "to support the Government and to pay interest on the Public Debt."  Yes, debt from the Civil War.

* Please see my Disclaimer page for the full octane verbose disclaimer re:  Ancestry.  The short version - - I pay to use, they don't ask me to mention, nor pay me to mention their name.  Your results may vary.

* E. Dews is my gg grandfather, full name, as recorded in my data base is Edward Dews, born about 1820, someplace in Virginia, died Dec 3, 1876 in Princess Anne County, Virginia.


Monday, March 27, 2017

Three Short Lines (Plus One Word), There's That Relationship

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflection's Flora and Fauna

We are always looking for clues and verification of relationships.  Sometimes we can find little tidbits in newspapers, like - - - - 

From the Frankfort Daily Index, Frankfort, Marshall County, Kansas, June 26, 1915 issue:
     "Mike Carney and little niece, Anna Lashbrook, came in from Kansas City,  today for a visit with T. S. Fox and family."

Yes, Anna Lashbrook was from Kansas City, Missouri.  Yes her mother was Margaret A. Carney.  And, yes, Anna had an uncle Michael Carney.  Anna also had a aunt Bridget married to a Thomas Fox.  Anna would have been about 9 years old at the time of the visit.

Yes, three short lines (plus one word) made the search worth while.


Saturday, March 25, 2017

Crash, Boom, Bah - - Car in the House

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflection's Flora and Fauna
From The Daily Chronicle, Centralia, Lewis County, Washington   23 Nov  1964  page 1:

"Car Crashes Into Home

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lashbrook of Centralia had unexpected visitors Sunday morning when a car driven by Mrs. Dorene Gehrke crashed through their dining room wall following a collision.

Centralia police said Mrs. Gehrke's car collided with one driven by Mrs. Johanna Ochs, also of Centralia, causing Mrs. Gehrke to lose control of her auto.  The car vaulted a curb at Silver and Plum Streets, smashed a large shrub and then struck the corner of the Lashbrook home.

Damages to the Gehrke vehicle, a 1960 model sedan, were estimated by police at $1,000.  Mrs. Ochs 1960 model station wagon received an estimated $500 damage, police said.

Mrs. Gehrke was treated for minor injuries at Centralia General hospital.

Damaged to the Lashbrook property at 424 South Silver St., have not been estimated, according to Mrs. Lashbrook."

Well, now, that's just inconvenient, isn't it??

The interesting twist to this is that this is Man's family.  Lashbrook is his paternal line.  And, Gehrke is his maternal line.

Only the Gehrke mentioned here is unknown to me.  And, our Gehrke clan, for the most part were found in Hawaii and Michigan. Yes, there are always a few strays, so I went off on a quick hurry up research tangent trying to discover who this Mrs. Dorene Gehrke was. I did not find anything that I can latch onto.  Nothing in the normal genie research sites.  I did find a Dorene who is an artist, with charming paintings.  She appears to write books too, in her native language, German. (Of course!!!)  It was a fun little research project.

Since I was more interested in the Lashbrook connection, I noted there was an address. So, off to Google Maps I went.  This is the house they say is at 424 S. Silver St., Centralia, Washington.  I note a bit of a resemblance to the graphic above.  Bizarre, eh??

Some days the findings are just weird!!

*Graphic thanks to

** OHHH, and Warren T. Lashbrook died in Lewis County Washington on Jan 8, 1963.  Close to two years before this accident and the article indicates he is alive?  Well, dang!


Saturday, March 18, 2017

They Started a Boy Scout Council for $600.00 - - In 1930 - - In Iowa

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

The review/consolidation projects continue.  Found this interesting news article this evening.

From the January 13, 1930 issue of the Mason City Globe Gazette, Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa:
     "Lions, American Legion Sponsor Boy Scouts in Osage; Election Is Held
     OSAGE, Jan 13. - - A Boy Scout council has been organized to be sponsored by the Lions club, American Legion, Wa-tan-ye club, schools churches and other organizations.  Dr. John Eiel has been elected chairman; Walter McCoy, vice chairman; H. H. Watt, secretary-treasurer; George H. Sawyer,  H. H. Horton, the Rev. T. P. Solem committee on the court of honor and G. O. Lashbrook, W. E. Sheldon and George J. Cummings, the finance committee.  The budget for Osage is nearly $600.00.”

I copied it due to the Lashbrook name, of course.  But, found it very interesting to read about the groups that worked together to start the Boy Scout council in Osage, Mitchell County, Iowa in 1930.  Well done men, well done.

* Running off to see if I can discover what the Wa-tan-ye club was.

OKKK, it was a women's service club, the Mason City branch disbanded in 2015


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

When the Obituaries Are Slightly Better Back Home, Number 2

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

Here is an obituary for Mrs. Moses Lashbrook, aka, Chestina, (Tina) (Chestina) Lush Lashbrook from Kansas City, Missouri, where she lived and died:

Tina's death was found reported in the Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, in the October 20, 1896 issue of that paper, see copy in Multimedia file:
     "Mrs. Tina Lashbrook Dead
      Mrs. Tina Lashbrook, 52 years old, of 2309 Main street, died last night of consumption.  She leaves two sons, who work at the stone crusher, Twenty-third and Main streets."

Tina's death was found reported in the Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, in the Thursday, October 22, 1896 issue of that paper.  Note, the film quality and print quality was so poor, that compiler did not make a copy, but rather transcribed the article, as it is short:
     "Lashbrook, Tina, 2309 Main Street; October 19; 52 years; gastritis with inanition."

Recently I located this obituary back in McHenry County, Illinois:

From the November 20th , 1896 of the Harvard Herald, Harvard, McHenry County, Illinois:
     Died at the Family Home in Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 19, 1886
     It is with profound sorrow that the many friends of Moses Lashbrook, one of the oldest settlers of Dunham, learn of the death of his wife, Cristina Lashbrook which occurred in Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 19, 1896.
     Mrs. Lashbrook was about 56 years of age, a daughter of the late Daniel and Eliza Lush, and spent her childhood and early womanhood in Dunham, consequently will be remembered by many residents of Harvard and vicinity, having left the city about eighteen years ago.
     Deceased was a lady of excellent disposition, a true wife and loving mother, which, with her kind nature, won for her the love and esteem of all who knew her. She leaves a loving husband and a family of eleven children, besides an only brother, Isaac Lush, who resides east of this city, to mourn her taking away. All her children were with her to the last, excepting Mrs. Edgar Lashbrook, who now resides at Coeur'd Alene City, Idaho, and Mrs. Carrie Yeager, of Chicago, who have the consolation of knowing that loving hearts and hands did all that could be done in their absence to alleviate the sufferings of the dear and affectionate mother.
     Dearest mother, thou hast left us,
     And thy love we deeply feel,
     But, tis God that has bereft us.
     He can all our sorrows heal.

I really love the home town obituary.  Seriously, it pays to attempt to locate an obituary from the "home town" of your ancestors.  As in this case, the home town version may contain considerable amounts of extra data not found in the death place obituary.  It was well worth the time spent looking and processing.

Now if I could just locate photos of Chestina and Moses.

And for the record, my data base shows her to have been 54 years of age at the time of death.  But, her birth year is estimated.  Let the searching continue - - -  


Winston and the California Poppies, These Winter Peeps are Moving On.

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

Man and I have been here in mid Arizona for 3.5 months now.  And, now that the flowers are starting to really bloom (after fantastic winter rains), we are, of course, moving on.  Ya have to laugh, happens a lot.  We chase spring.

It's been a pretty good winter, we like this area, it is easy living. Cept for my allergies, all is good, better than good.  

This morning, after looking all around the countryside I found California Poppies blooming right here in the park. Delighted, I went to get a photo.  Winston accompanied me and graciously agreed to posing in the poppies.

Safe travels to all the winter RVers starting to move about and head north.  See ya on the road somewhere.


Chancery Cases, Name those Names, Niblett's All

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

Seriously, I just LOVE documents that name children, wife/widow and such of a man.

The Commonwealth of Virginia
To the Sheriff of the County of Isle of Wight - - Greeting:

We command you to summon Exum L. Eley, Shff of Isle of Wight & as such administrator of Graves Niblett decd., and Virginia C. Niblett, widow of said Graves Niblett decd, William E. Niblett, Walter G. Niblett, Solomon Niblett and Robert Niblett (the last four being infant heirs of said Graves Niblett, decd.)

This is part of a document that was found in the Chancery files at the Library of Virginia, Isle of Wight County.  The relationships don't get much clearer than stated here.

And interesting twist to this is that Exum L. Eley is the half brother of Virginia C. Niblett, nee Eley.


Monday, March 13, 2017

When the Obituaries Are Slightly Better Back Home

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

During the review, revamp, link, consolidate and improve projects that are ongoing with my genie data base, sometimes, OK, a lot of times, I get a lead on a new resource and disappear down some soft but, deep, rabbit hole, researching, adding to the work, but, also, on lucky days, adding to the "stories".

Here is what I had for an obituary for Grace Lashbrook Cooper Beck.  I found this obituary at a library in Boone County Illinois where Grace died.

Grace's obituary as printed in the September 16, 1902 issue of the "Daily Republican", reads as follows:
     Passed Away of Complication of Diseases at Midnight
     Mrs. Grace Beck, wife of John Beck, a well known old German citizen, died at midnight last night of a complication of diseases. She had been sick about a week at their home near the Big Thunder Mills.  She was 78 years old.
     The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
     Mr. Beck is also quite sick and has been confined to his bed for some time."

Recently I located this obituary, which was published in McHenry County Illinois.  She moved to McHenry with her parents in the early 1840's.  She is enumerated in Boone County, however, from 1850 until  her death.  We would think that her obituary in Boone County would contain more detail, but, in this case, I feel it did not.  Here is what I found published in McHenry County Illinois:

Published  on September 25, 1902 in the Harvard Herald, Harvard, McHenry County, Illinois:  
     "Former Dunham Resident Dead.
     Mrs. John Beck died on the 15th inst. at her home in Belvidere.  Decedent was an early resident of Dunham, her father, the late Richard Lashbrook, coming to that town in pioneer days.  Mrs. Beck was 78 years of age and was well known at Belvidere and universally respected.   Her husband, by whom she is survived, in near death's door and no hope is held out for his recovery.  The funeral of Mrs. Beck was held on the 17th inst. and was attended by Edward and Jacob Dickson of Dunham, her nephews."

We learn from this obituary that her father was Richard Lashbrook, and that her nephews, Edward and Jacob Dickson, attended her funeral.  Edward is actually Edwin, but, his given name is confused frequently in the records I have seen.  It certainly is nice to see they attended her funeral, and for the researcher in me, it just gives me one more source that states the relationship.  I do like more sources.

I currently maintain her memorial over at Find A Grave, it is here.  Her grave and that of her second husband, John Beck remain unmarked.  John died before the end of the month, and of course, he has an extremely long and detailed obituary.  The grave of her first husband, David Cooper, at the same cemetery, is marked.  David remains a stone wall in my research.



Wednesday, March 8, 2017

It Does Take a Village - - Thanks to Cheryl - - I am Down a Deep Rabbit Hole - - So Much Fun

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

I have said it often, if it were not for my many friends and volunteers in libraries and archives across this nation (and beyond) to continue to assist me, to help deepen my research efforts, I would not be where I am today in my efforts to record my heritage (and Man's).

This morning a Lashbrook cousin (well, Man's cousin), asked me if I had been to a specific web site with tons of links.  MMMM, I had not.

Within minutes I am finding stuff. Good stuff.  Oh, I am in so much trouble, err, such a deep rabbit hole.

Here is one of the first finds.

From the Harvard Independent, published at Harvard, McHenry County, Illinois,  Wednesday , November 22th , 1876:

In Butler Township, Butler Co., Iowa, Nov 6th, 1876, Dexter Phineas Lashbrook, son of Aaron and Amanda Lashbrook, aged 2 years, 4 months and 8 days.”

I had Dexter P. Lashbrook, I had his birth info.  Since about 1991 I have had his name and birth. NOW, I have his middle name, death date and place.  Here is the disclaimer.  Iowa death records began, sorta, in about 1880.  We all know that at the beginning of the reporting requirements that it is a hit or miss proposition.  I did some serious Butler County research a few years back.  I believe I investigated everything Butler and Lashbrook. That said, things are missed and overlooked or recorded in a "strange" place and never found. It  happens.  That's why we look again and again and never give up hope.  I will record his death date as Nov. 6, 1876 until such time as I may find a better or more accurate source. For now, this is the best.  It's all I have ever found.  It's not perfect, but, dang, its TONS more than I have ever had.  It's happy dancing time!

Thank you Cheryl.  I'll be in touch, but, it may be weeks!   LOL

*  The web site for those that may be interested is The Ancestor Hunt

So, why is it that I have not been to this web site??  Cause.  LOL  I spend a lot of time mining Virginia vitals from the A dot com site.  And.  Cause.  Life.


Saturday, March 4, 2017

John Sidney Marshall, Jr., The Stone Wall Came Down

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

Earlier this evening a stone wall (which means, it was a short smaller wall, but not one of those large genie walls) came tumbling down.

Thanks to a death certificate for a baby who died in 1931 I finally found some verification for the date of the death of her daddy, and then, her mom.  And, their burial spot.  With a photo of their headstone.

And, this, a photo of daddy in 1922:

OH, and his signature too!

He is my half-cousin, two times removed.

OK, that's cool.

I'm happy to meet you J.S.

His father was Dr. John Sidney Marshall, his mother was Lucy Alma Darden Marshall.

He was born in 1902 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia and died in 1972 in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania.  He and his wife, Doris Carpenter Marshall and his daughter, Jean Hamilton Marshall are all buried (or at least their fully inscribed headstone is at) Abington Hills Cemetery, Scranton, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania.
