Now and then, I find interesting little tidbits to add to my data base.
One was found in the U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918 data base over at Ancestry.
One was found in the U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918 data base over at Ancestry.
Princess Anne County, Virginia, home of my Dews clan at that time.
See, tucked in between Dyer and Davis, DEWS. E. Dews.
Here is the full page, entries past E. Dews not included, in other words, cropped away.
A rough transcription:
ALPHABETICAL LIST of Persons in Division No Three, of Collection District No Four, of the State of Virginia, liable to a tax under the Excise laws of the United States, and the amount thereof, as assessed by A. B. Malborne, Assistant Assessor, and by John M. Donn, Assessor, returned to the Collector of said District, for the month of May, 1865.
Date of Demand: May
Name: E. Dews
Location: Princess Anne
Article or occupation: Income 1864
No in Abstract: 241
Valuation: 167
Rate of tax: 5 per ??
Amount of Tax Upon Particular Article
Total: 83.57
If you happen to be a member of Ancestry, there is a description of the data base and the laws (in brief) here. If you are not a paid member, you may (or not) be able to access this via a public library that offers Ancestry to it's clients. A "Carol" summary is: on July 1, 1862 Congress passed the Internal Revenue Act, so as "to support the Government and to pay interest on the Public Debt." Yes, debt from the Civil War.

* Please see my Disclaimer page for the full octane verbose disclaimer re: Ancestry. The short version - - I pay to use, they don't ask me to mention, nor pay me to mention their name. Your results may vary.
* E. Dews is my gg grandfather, full name, as recorded in my data base is Edward Dews, born about 1820, someplace in Virginia, died Dec 3, 1876 in Princess Anne County, Virginia.