Copyright 2012, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
While on Avery Island we stopped by the visitors center for the Jungle Gardens. It is 170 acres, drive-able, with pull offs and parking spots along the way so you can get out and walk parts of the gardens. It sounded fantastic, but, we all decided that we would pass it by, as it is late fall and much would be sleeping. I did snap off this photo of some beautiful live oaks laden with spanish moss.
Next stop was Konriko Rice Mill and Museum (and of course, a store! WOOT. More fun just like at the Tabasco Store, and yes, they had samples!)
They have been in business for 100 years, it is the oldest rice mill in the United States. They have a nice history, here.
Rice, spilled during the process of weighing the loads. This is rice in the raw.
Rice bag. I really should have purchased some just for the burlap type bag! LOL
After a delightful and informative tour and movie, and a slow walk around the company store and of course, a taste of rice, it was time to go find lunch. We headed to downtown New Iberia, took the first large parking spot we could find for Jolly and walked along the water on a short boardwalk. Friend D insisted I needed this photo, fences and bridges and greenery, all things I love. I agreed with her! A sign nearby said Bayou Teche. I feel some more research coming on! LOL
We found a buffet luncheon place open, but, about to close. We were the last patrons of the day, we were well fed, great southern/cajun cooking, reasonably priced, servings large! A most enjoyable meal!
This is Yolanda, she is a local, a single mom, proud of her children, a delight to listen to. Man asked her for a photo, and she struck the pose! It was too bad they were closing, I am sure Yolanda could have told us stories for hours.
Along the boardwalk we found a number of sculptures and art work.
Peepers, closer.

* That disclaimer thingy: Konriko did not ask us to visit, or write about our visit. They gave us a bit of a taste of cooked rice and entertained us for a small entrance fee.