Thursday, September 27, 2012

MOC Fall Rally 2012 is Over, SIGH

Copyright 2012, CABS for Reflections From the Fence 

I did not take a lot of photos, I did not blog much, but, I had a good time.  Of course, a few disappointments, and some very nice surprises.

One of the last activities is a Wine and Cheese party, Man and I rarely go, and had not intended on doing so this year, but, at the last minute, and I do MEAN the last minute he changed his mind.  He hurried into Tana to find me, sitting at the computer (OF COURSE) and blerted out, "You have some cheese cubes right, I know there is no wine, but, we are going."  I calmly reached into the bottom cabinet, pulled out the last bottle of wine in Tana, a nice bottle we picked up in Amana Iowa last year, and said, "I have wine!"    And, off we went.

This year, the manufacturers of our RV decided at the last minute to have a hat contest as part of our Wine and Cheese party.  They gave away 3 cash prizes, $100.00 for the winner.  Many MOCers ran off to their rigs and/or a second hand store and found hats.  They are a creative batch, here is our winner, and yes, that IS a pot of fall mums on his head, held on with bungee cords (no RVer goes RVing without a good collection of bungee cords, eh??)

One of the nice little surprises of the Rally was to be the recipient of our first "traveling" geocache.  Here is Captain Hook guarding it for me.  This cache needed to be handed off to another geocacher in person, NOT hidden in a cache.  So, I registered the handoff to me and by that evening had passed it off to another MOCer that I know does caching! Well, that was fun!

And, last but surely not least, here are (from the left), Big Butt 2 and HoboBob; Big Butt 4, aka Jolly, and Man; and Big Butt 3 and his proud daddy, Ray.  Friends Bob and Mina own BB2, friends Ray and Coleen own BB3.  As RVers with homes on wheels we don't get to all be together in one place at the same time very often, so,  I just had to have a photo!  Aren't the dudes cute??  And, the trucks too!

And, so ends another Fall Rally. Next year is the 10th anniversary of MOC Fall Rallies.  We already have a Wagon Master, and the manufacturer is promising special stuff.  I guess that means Man and I will have to have finished THE Trip, THE Encore' by then.  Ah, the pressure!

Safe rides to all MOCers departing from the Rally, will see some of you on the road, soon we hope!


Linda Jenkins-Wensel said...

Your report of the rally was wonderful and enjoyed the photos so much. Loved seeing the Captain guarding the cache for you, loved seeing Man and other crony's...laughed at the cabinet makers sign, What isn't there to love about your blog...I know you hate all the Love it, Love it, Love it's ...but I do.

Sherry - Family Tree Writer said...

Ah, it looks (and sounds) like a great time was had by one and all!! Enjoy! Enjoy! Life is way too short to do otherwise!!