Tuesday, January 24, 2017

John Eley, Jr., 5th Great-Grandfather, In the News in 1767

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

Now and then, when I find something that sparks my interest, I share. Now is then.

From the Virginia Gazette, Publication date November 12, 1767, page 2, column 3. Published by Purdue & Dixon.

ISLE of WIGHT, October 26, 1767

ON Saturday the 24th of this instant I went to the house of Robert Coggen, soon after which came a lusty well made man, who appeared to be 25 years of age, with a lightish coloured coat, black velvet waistcoat, leather breeches, wore a watch, and seemed very fond of gaming; upon which, as no body there knew any thing of him, I told Jethro Gale, one of the Sheriffs of our county, to desire him to come before me, and I would ask him some questions, as I did not think he was there on any good design.  Immediately on the Sheriff's acquainting him of the same he run off without his hat, leaving a bay mare, about 14 hands high, with a large white spot in her forehead, paces well, and branded on the rear buttock (a mark which I cannot reproduce here was in the article, see image above)   saddle and bride, New-market coat, linen wallet, with a linen shirt and a pair of black stockings therein.  He calls himself sometimes William Stevenson, at other times William Stevens; and as the above mare is supported to be stolen, the owner may have her on proving his property, and paying the charge of this advertisement, by applying to    JOHN ELEY, Jun.


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