Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Memory Triggers - - The Call to Dinner

Copyright 2018, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

One summer day Man was out having a walkabout at the stick built while I was cooking dinner.  When I went to call him in for the feast (ok, for the meager offering I had burnt up on the stove top),  I had one of those memory trigger moments - - -

In my mind's eye, I saw and heard my grandmother, Minnie Trumbo, calling my grandfather, Leonard to lunch.  They lived on the banks of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River and he worked right across the street out of the foundry building.  (This photo of the foundry was taken sometime in the early 1960's, estimated.  This is how I remember the property.  In earlier years there was a second building to the right of this one.)

She would prepare his lunch, and then go out in the yard (funny, I don't remember if she went out the back or front) and hollar, and I do mean, hollar, at the top of her lungs, in a rather high pitched tone


I actually don't even remember the words she used, maybe, "D-I-N-N-E-R".

What I remember was that hollering loud and long and high pitched voice, a sound I have no recording of, except in my memory.

A very good memory.

* This post was originally written in 2012, but, never finished.  As part of the consolidation process that is ongoing here at Reflections, it is now done!  The bonus of not publishing in '12, I did not have this specific photo of the foundry until 2017.  That worked out well, eh?



Mel said...

Aren't these memory triggers nice? She'll always be in your memories hollaring for dinner.

Carol said...

Yes, the memory triggers are great, and I am very thankful for them. I can hear her hollering right now - -