This week the grandparents and the grandtwins went to horse camp. They rode, we did not.
Tana parked with the other trailers, including horse trailers that have living quarters in the front.
The first sunrise, Monday morning, was stunning, looking down at the training areas, a tractor grading, preparing for classes and learning to come.
Later in the ring. The grandtwins with grampa looking on.
One of the English classes:
This is a double class, two classes in the same ring at the same time, each using half of the ring. These students were in "western" riding classes.
One of our views. We actually had a nice campsite, overlooking the practice rings and the barn. We could sit and watch lots of activity. It was worth the trouble setting up (yep, took 3 times to get Tana in there correctly, long story, best forgotten. LOL)
Twin "M":
Twin "L":
Monday evening, we had a bit of Mother Nature excitement. We were evacuated.
We had pro-active cautious weather aware staff at the campground and coordinating staff running the camp. They took VERY good care of us. They made us aware of where we would need to go and what conditions would deem what to do. So when it came time to move us into a safe place they knocked the on Tana's door and told us to evacuate. So we spent a bit of time in the safe place with lots of kids and a few dogs and a bunch of parents with every weather app imaginable up and active. Happy to report that we had just some heavy rain and that was about all. There were tornadoes that night in SE Michigan. Prayers for those affected.
The horses on break, having a snack of fresh grass:
One evening, games, involving, water, kids, some mud, and a lot of fun. Water balloon tossing:
And, then, bucket brigades:
And, yes, the ever popular, tug-of-war. Note, the mud in between the teams. After this they played a VERY long game of "flags" in another arena. It went on for hours. Tired kids slept well that night, but, there was a considerable amount of "I'm tired" whining heard the next morning.
They fed us well, 3 squares a day:
They had a "head to head" riding contest, western riding. I did not have a very good vantage point for photos for this event. It was fun to watch. As contestants were eliminated the hooting and hollering from the crowd grew louder.
A photo op at the end of the week:
And, the sun set on the week, it was a great camp.
It was a great experience. Met lots of very nice people. Stepped out of our comfort zones. And, yes, if asked, we would do it again.
