This is week 35 of my participation Amy Johnson Crow's, once a week challenge to blog about one ancestor a week, tell their story, biography, a photograph, an outline of a research problem — anything that focuses on that one ancestor. More about the challenge can be found at her Blog, No Story Too Small.
Amanda Houghton (found spelled Holton and Hotten) was reportedly born February 12, 1833 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania or New York or Michigan, to parents whose identifies remain in question.
There is an Amanda Houghton found on the 1850 US census of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, she is living with Anna Houghton 47. Anna is listed as head of household, value of her real estate is given as $200.00, born in New York; next enumerated is Amanda, age 17, born New York; then listed is Almina age 7, born Michigan. There is also a carpenter living in the household, a Chas. Payne, age 52, born England.
On November 9, 1852 at Springfield, Dane County, Wisconsin, Amanda Hotten married Aaron Lashbrook. Sadly, many of the questions asked were not answered or filled in on the marriage record found.
Aaron and Amanda (or Mandy as I have found her referred to by distant family members) moved many times during their lives. That may explain a land patent, dated June 15, 1855 for land in Black Hawk County Iowa, that a Amanda Lashbrook, living in Buchanan County Iowa was awarded. The patent was for 40 acres of land, the number on this grant is 29667. (See below for additional information on land patents in this county by Charles and Anna Payne.)
The family was found enumerated on the 1856 State census of Barclay Township, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Aron D. Lashbrook, age 28, born in England, occupation looks to be "horseferries"; Amanda, age 23, born New York; Jacob I or J, age 2, born Wisconsin. This is the only time we see any recordings for the son Jacob.
Next enumerated in the 1860 census in New Hampton, Chickasaw County, Iowa the family is found as follows: Aaron, age 29, farmer born England; Amanda, age 27 born New York; George, age 3 born Iowa; Albert, age 1 born Iowa.
On the July 1864 IRS Tax lien lists we find "S D Lashbrook", a physician listed in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Tax due is $10.00. We are fairly sure this "S D" is actually, A D, however, caution is urged as we cannot be "positively without a doubt" sure.
Amanda and Aaron are enumerated on the 1870 US census of Garden City, Garden City Township, Blue Earth County, Minnesota as follows: Aaron, age 47, farmer, value of real estate $1920., born England; Amanda, age 37, keeping house, born New York; George, age 13, born Iowa; Albert, age 11, born Iowa; Alvin, age 10, born Iowa; Mary Ann, age 3, born Iowa; Myra, age 3, born Iowa. The agricultural census tells us that they had 52 acres of improved land and 108 acres of other unimproved land, valued at $1920.00, they grew wheat, Irish potatoes, oats, and produced butter.
After moving some more, the family appears in the 1880 US census in Spring Brook, Harlan County, Nebraska as follows: Aaron age 56, "vetneary Sergeon", born NY; Amanda age 46, wife, born NY; Alvin age 20, son laborer, born Iowa; Aretta age 13, daughter, at school, born Iowa; Myron age 13, son, laborer, born Iowa; Dora age 10, daughter, at school, born Minnesota; Chester age 8, son, at school, born Minnesota; Charles age 8, son, at school, born Minnesota; and Ausker (sic-Oscar), age 6, born Iowa.
Five years later, still in Nebraska, the clan is found on the 1885 Census of Prairie Dog Township, Harlan County, Nebraska. They appear as: A. Aron Lashbrook, age 57, Veterinary Surgeon, born England, both parents born England; Amanda, age 50, wife, keeping house, born New York, both parents born England; George, age 27, son, farmer, born Iowa [note: I believe George is also enumerated in Fairfield Township with his wife Nellie, and her son from her first marriage to Melvin Brady, Alva.]; Edwin, age 23, son, farmer, born Iowa; Myron, age 18, son, at home, born Nebraska; Dora, age 15, daughter, servant, born Minnesota; Charles, age 13, son, born Minnesota; Chester, age 13, son, born Minnesota; Oscar, age 8, son, born Illinois.
Amanda and Aaron had 14 children: Jacob Lashbrook, reported to have died young. Infant born and died 1855. George L. Lashbrook. Albert I. Lashbrook, reportedly died young. Richard Alvin Lashbrook. Ada A. Lashbrook, reported by family to have died young, but may be Aretta on the 1880 census. Myran Aaron Lashbrook. Myra Lashbrook. Delora E. Lashbrook. Chares Clinton and Chester C. Lashbrook, reported twins. Dexter P. Lashbrook, reported to have died young. Oscar Ira Lashbrook. Cora E. Lashbrook, also reported to have died as an infant.
By the 1890's Aaron and Amanda were living in Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas. Extended family and other researchers reported that Aaron had been buried in the Parker Cemetery. No mention of any possible death data or burial information for Amanda was ever made. This was in the days before Find A Grave is what it is today, we were not sure where the Parker Cemetery was. One family member thought it was in Kay County Oklahoma. In 2004 Man and I were headed home from a winter in Texas and decided to make a stop in the area. Within 30 minutes of setting up our Tana in a campground we had been put in touch with a very kind lady who knew where the cemetery was and knew just where Amanda and Aaron were buried. She met us at the cemetery and shared what she knew about them and other Lashbrooks that were interred there. And, I got a photo!
"Died - - Last evening, on North E. street, of heart disease, Mrs. Amanda Lashbrook, aged 58 years. The burial took place this afternoon at Parker Cemetery."

* Research notes on possible mother, Anna:
Anna Houghton of Dane County Wisconsin, received on August 1, 1849 a land patent for 40 acres, the patent was signed by President Zachary Taylor.
On January 2, 1852 a marriage index that indicates a marriage between Charles Payn and Anna Houghton too place at Madison, Dane, Wisconsin. A recent discovery, a copy of the marriage has been requested.
On June 15, 1855, Charles Payne and Anna Payne, both living in Buchanan County, Iowa, are granted land patents in Black Hawk County, Iowa, Charles' is numbered 29665, and Anna's is numbered 29666. They are both for 40 acres, in the same township. This is the same date as Amanda Lashbrook received a land patent for land in Black Hawk County Iowa.
Charles Payne appears on the 1856 Iowa State Census, of Barclay Township, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Charles Payne, age 54 or 57 (hard to read), married, has lived in Iowa for one year, born England, wagonmaker, naturalized voter, owns land; Anna Payne, age 54, married, one year in Iowa; Arilla E. Houghton, age 14, in Iowa one year, born Michigan.
In 1860 in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa there is a Charles Payne, age 69, farmer, value of real estate is $500, value of personal property is $100., born in England with the following in the household: Hannah Payne, age 61 (compiler feels she is the same as Anna Hougton from the 1850 census), born New York; Almina Houghton, age 17, born Michigan; Elizabeth Payne, age 12, born Iowa.
Charles, Anna, Almina have not been found after this census. Elizabeth awaits research. Hopefully rurther research will turn up a hint or two to further this research.
*** 52 Ancestors Weeks Button courtesy of Amy Johnson Crow.
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