This is week 33 of my participation Amy Johnson Crow's, once a week challenge to blog about one ancestor a week, tell their story, biography, a photograph, an outline of a research problem — anything that focuses on that one ancestor. More about the challenge can be found at her Blog, No Story Too Small.
Adam J. Halterman was born in 1827 reportedly in Hardy County Virginia (which of course became Hardy County West Virginia). His parents were George W. Halterman, Sr. and his wife Elizabeth.
Adam married (no record found, yet) Amanda Shiremen (surname found as Sherman in some records) around 1847.
Adam is found on the 1850 US census for the 56th District of Rockingham County, Virginia living near his father George and his brother George. He is enumerated as follows: Adam, age 25, laborer, born Virginia; Amanda, age 20, born Virginia; George, age 2, born Virginia; Martha, age 6 months, born Virginia.
Adam Halterman is found on the 1860 census enumeration of Mt Clifton District, Shenandoah, Virginia. Adam is listed as aged 33, born in Virginia, also in the household are Amanda, age 38, born Virginia, George, age 11, born Virginia, Daniel, age 8 born Virginia, Samuel, age 5 born Virginia, Sis, age 3, born Virginia and Rachel age 1, born Virginia.
There is an Adam Halterman listed in the Compiled Service cards for Company C, 97th Virginia Militia, further research may show that this soldier is Adam J., my ancestor.
Adam has not been found on 1870 census indexes, yet.
Adam J Halterman is found on the 1880 census enumeration of Plains, Rockingham, Virginia. Adam is listed as a 54 year old, born in "Hardy County", Virginia. Also in the household are Amanda Halterman, Wife, age 52, born Virginia. Selestian Halterman, Son, age 14, born Virginia. Albert Halterman, Son, age 6, born Virginia. David F Halterman, Son. age 11, born Virginia.
The interesting things about this census enumeration is that it states the county name of the birth place and the birth places of the parents. Also of interest is that Adam is shown having "cancer at lip". Adam died of cancer two years later. Here is the 1880 census, image edited for this format.
Adam and Amanda had the following children: George, Martha, Daniel, Samuel, Elizabeth, Rachael, Selestine, David, Albert.
Adam's record of death reports his birth place as "Brock's Gap".
Wish list for Adam J. Halterman, marriage record, further research time for possible Civil War service.

* Additional source data can be obtained by contacting me, see the right hand column for a yahoo email address.
** 52 Ancestors Weeks Button courtesy of Amy Johnson Crow.
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