Copyright 2021, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
Richard E P or Richard Edward McGreevy has long been a mystery to this researcher. And, after writing his story, it seems it makes for a long blog post as well. LOL
What I am reasonably sure of - -
He was born on Mar 21, 1908 in Tuscalum, Effingham County, Georgia. I find him enumerated with his parents (Richard McGreevy and Rosa Ellen Remley McGreevy) on the 1910 and the 1920 U.S. Census living in Savannah, Chatham County Georgia.
In 1925 his father Richard dies in Savannah, a short 4 line death notice appearing in “The Bulletin” of Augusta Georgia fails to state any of Richard Sr.’s survivors. In 1926 when his sister Helen Ulmer dies, her obituary states Richard is living in Savannah. In 1932 when his brother James dies, Richard is said to be living in Camden “JJ”. I believe that is a typo and should read Camden, New Jersey. In 1948 when his mother Rosa dies, Richard is said to be living in Fort Worth Texas. In 1968 when his sister Lucy Fenchel dies, he is said to be a survivor, but, his place of residence is not stated.
I am sure this is his registration for the draft in World War II:
Name: Richard Edward McGreevy
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Birth Date: 21 Mar 1908
Birth Place: Tusculum, USA
Registration Date: 16 Oct 1940
Registration Place: Savannah, Georgia, USA
Next of Kin: Mrs. Pincus Louis Fenchel
Notes of interest: Mrs. Pincus Louis Fenchel is his sister, Lucy. In the employment area of the registration card Richard states his employment as, self - entertainer, and the place of his employment as, traveling.
I am quite sure this is Richard:
Social Security Death Index
Name: Richard McGreevy
SSN: 262-18-4466
Last Residence: 93001 Ventura, Ventura, California, United States of America
Born: 21 Mar 1908
Died: Oct 1978
State (Year) SSN issued: Florida (Before 1951)
California Death Index, 1940-1997
Name: Richard McGreevy
Social Security #: 262184466
Birth Date: 16 Mar 1908 *yes, I note a difference of 5 days in the reported birth date.
Birthplace: Georgia
Death Date: 31 Oct 1978
Death Place: Ventura
Now what makes a researcher sit up and go, yippee, AKA, the fun stuff. I'm not totally convinced of all these suggestions/possibilities. They are not all conclusive in my mind, me the one who needs a bit more than name and place and date similarities. That said, I’m leaning - - -
I think what I shall do here is just show you what I have found in chronological order, pointing out some interesting tidbits as I go.
I find 2 marriages for Richard to the same woman, 1 year apart. One in Harris County, Texas, seen here:
Something that I did not see the first time around, but, this marriage record from Texas was "disposed of" at a “dance marathon”. See that little note in the lower left corner. (It really pays to review documents several times. LOL)
Next, about year later, give or take, is in Indianapolis Indiana. I cannot get a copy of the digitized record at this time, pandemic woes. I did find it in Marion County, Indiana, U.S., Marriage Index, 1925-2012 at FamilySearch. And, from the Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, Indiana, May 1, 1930, we have this notification.

The address Richard and Hilma give is the Cadle Tabernacle, scene of the dance marathon being held in Indianapolis Indiana at this time.
Dance marathons were a huge thing in the late 1920’s to early 1930’s. Marathons of any type were all the rage. Reading books marathons. There was a talking marathon in New York City in 1929 (hysterical photo with this one, no one in the stands to listen to them, no attendance). Reading the Bible marathons (one such event took 70 hours to read the Bible from front to back). Swimming long distance, both Lake Ontario and Lake Michigan advertisements were found. Outdoor motor boating near Galveston Texas (they had an issue with weather, snarky windy weather). Flag pole sitting, rocking chair rocking, fishermen (during the dance marathons), croquet marathons, bicycle riders and of course long distance running/walking marathons from coast to coast. I even found one for marathon phonograph music playing.
Of course, there were some shady characters and there were substantial objections to the marathons. There were legal cases alleging forgery, drugs, swindling and bigamy.
This marathon stuff sent me down a deep research hole for days. Gracious, it was so interesting.
But, back to Richard. Here are two fun images I captured from the Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Notice he is called Mac. And the tidbit about dancing in 8 contests. And being engaged for a year. How much of that is public relations and how much is true?
I must say that bit about the largest wedding cake in Indiana was a fun find.
See, here is the thing, these marathons were an advertisers delight. They ran articles before and daily during the marathons. Marathons frequently could and would run well over a month. Yea, really. The newspapers cross the nation made $$ and covered marathons with regularity.
The organizers needed to keep the interest up, so, they had “special” events many nights. They had special shows of "Sultans Dancing Girls" and dance skits where the entertainment was based on comedic dances, they called this evening "Movie Night". There was a Carnival night, with "Interior Decorators". The Turkish Harem night was found advertised in different cities. And, the ever popular "Cot Nite" where they displayed the dancers resting. They even had some gal get a perm in her hair while she was dancing one night in Indianapolis in 1930.

Then there were the weddings, and after that blitz of research, I can tell you that the weddings were a staple of marathon entertainment. And, then there were the divorces, and the bigamy previously mentioned.
Now, back to Richard - - -
From the Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, Indiana, published on April 30, 1930:
While fellow marathoners danced beside them, Richard M. McGreevy, 23 years old, and Miss Hilma E. Nelson, 22 years old, couple No. 20 in the "mad marathon" in progress at Cadle Tabernacle, obtained a marriage license at the office of George O. Hutsell, clerk, yesterday. The wedding will take place tonight in the Tabernacle."
The wedding report itself took up several columns and several inches of newspaper reporting. Here are a few clips:
"8,000 Persons Witness Mad Marathon Wedding Rites at Cadle Tabernacle… The principals were Miss Hilma E. Nelson, 22 years old, a native of Minnesota and of Swedish parentage, and Richard M. McGreevy, 23 years old, an Irishman from Savannah, Ga.”
I suspect that middle initial probably stands for “Mac”, a nickname. My Richard was from Savannah Georgia and the age is so close we won’t argue.
Richard and Hilma did not win this particular marathon, but they did place fourth and took home $100. for their trouble.
From the Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, Indiana, published on May 13, 1930, in part:
Historic Cadle Tabernacle, where the gesticulations and oratory of the evangelist and the stately religious hymns of the pipe organ have been replaced by the croonings of a Chicago master of ceremonies and the blatant notes of a jazz band, for the last two months, was dark last night.
It was an untimely close for the city’s final dance endurance contest, the city Council having passed an ordinance to forbid similar contests.
Other winners were…Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mcgreevy of Minneapolis, fourth.”
Next, we find a Richard McGreevy in the 1940 U.S. Census enumeration of Prince George´s, Maryland, with a wife named Ruth. So much fun to note that they are both entertainers, magicians to be exact. Who is Ruth? Not a clue.
And, guess where we next find Richard in records available to us - -
1943 in Shreveport Louisiana city directory, the business section, twice - -
*Magical Apparatus
MAC'S MAGIC SHOP, 812 Louisiana, Tel. 9129 (Note the name of his shop, Mac’s!)
McGREEVY, RICHARD, r 812 Louisiana, Te. 9129
In the personal section of the 1943 directory we find them again:
McGREEVY, RICHARD (Cleo: Mac's Magic Shop) r 812 Louisiana, Tel. 9129 (Who is Cleo? Not a clue.)
Skip to 1950 where we find Richard and Cleo back in Texas, remember his mother's obituary in 1948 stated he was living in Fort Worth Texas.
1950 San Angelo, Texas, City Directory:
MCGreevy Richd (Cleo) magician r 601 McAnn (Again, who is Cleo? Again, not a clue.)
Issues with the entire story: Hilma? Some researchers believe she is Hittie Hicks, or Hettie Hicks, or Hattie Hicks. Who are Ruth and Cleo? Are they all the same lady? Could be. I keep thinking how “entertainers” are prone to changing their names.
I have not located an obituary for the lady Hattie Hicks, or Hilma McGreevy, or Hettie McGreevy, even tho other researchers say this is she. (See the Texas, U.S., Death Index, 1903-2000)
Name: Hettie Mcgreevy
Death Date: 8 Sep 1989
Death County: Harris
Gender: Female
In the research I did on Hittie Hicks, it seems to indicate she was born in Oklahoma. That wedding business in Indianapolis with Hilma Nelson, says she comes from Minnesota. Could be the Minnesota stuff had more of a romantic ring to it. Good ole public relations again? Many unanswered questions here.
I also have not yet found any obituary for Richard who died in 1978 in California.
Is this research finished, not by a long shot. I have a few other documents I would like to see, but, that will have to wait till the pandemic subsides and libraries reopen.
The research so far seems to point to Richard being a marathon dancer and a magician. Am I sure? Nope. Let’s be honest here, these references to Richard, may not be my guy at all. If it turns out the Richard McGreevy entertainer, possible marathon dancer, magician is not mine, well, it was a lighthearted and fun search. It’s all good no matter how it works out for Richard.

* Please remember to check my Disclaimers page.
** Sources I used, Ancestry dot com, FamilySearch dot org, GenealogyBank and Newspapers dot com. I have subscriptions to all except FamilySearch which is a free service.
*** Indianapolis articles were clipped from the Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana found at Newspapers dot com.
**** I leave you with the winners of the 1929 dance contest held in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. From the Fort Worth Star-Telegram published on March 29, 1929. They are Mickey Sheehan and Miss Jessie Holman, both of Dallas. They took home a cash reward of $1,000, each. They danced 1,537 hours. Take a gander at her dress!