Copyright 2025, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
It's been a while folks. For the past 2 years, and specifically for the past 3/4 year, I have been cleaning up data base GEDCOM failures, self inflicted, of course. I have been pushing the project, as Moriah and her laptop companion are both getting a bit long in the tooth (old) and that age has started presenting in unexplained crashes and other weirdness all computer users are all too familiar with; there was the issue of Parallels and Windows 10 vs Mac. As of this month I finally finished the reviews necessary (to me, they were necessary). I finally feel and hope that I have found all missing files and can move on with my genie life. I hope it means I may do a bit more writing.
Thanks to Amy Johnson Crow, who year after year posts "challenges" her followers to share thoughts and/or photos in whatever manner suits each individual. Blogs, social media, or just in your personal memories. Here are the prompts for 2025 (yes, I am using a link, her links I hope/feel are gonna be around for a bit). 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2025.
Her challenges are always good. Since I have participated before, several times, I find it a bit difficult to write to familiar challenges. Nicknames. This immediately brought to mind one particular family, they LOVED nick names.
These nicknames are the children of Charles Stuart (Stewart) and his two wives. Charles was born around 1814, reportedly in Maine. He died in 1881.
His first wife was Jane Perry, who reportedly died about 1846.
Charles and Jane, according to my research as it stands today, had three children:
Bread Printer, male, per family history stories acquired this moniker "when he was a small boy he sat in a pan of bread." His real name, Joel Albert.
Lamb, female, again, according to family history stories, acquired her nickname was "Lamb" because she was gentle and innocent. Her real name, Mary Ann.
Toad, male, was so named, yes, according to family history stories, he was so fat when a baby, that if he got on his back he could not turn over.... His real name James.
After Jane died, Charles married secondly Margaret Ann Sharp. I have nicknames for 6 of their 11 children. Margaret was born about 1827, in New Brunswick, Canada and died in 1901.
“Nug”, that same set of family history stories tells us - -
Nug, Hug, has got a mug
And can't get a drink of water."
Nug, for the record was male. I have never researched the "poem", so, no clue as to where it came from, made up by the family or a reference to some phrase, story, song, rumor? of the time. His real name, Charles.
Next child, also male had a nickname was "Soup", because he liked soup so well. Real name, William H.
Next child, also male, when a baby and was learning to talk he said "Nick, Nick" so much that he was always called Nick by the family. The name fit him for he was always full of the old nick. He told funny stories in a funny way and could do many tricks. Real name George Edward.
Next child, a male, died young, I have no record of a nickname for this child.
John was his given name.
The following child was a female, who also died young, and again, I have no record of a nickname. Elizabeth Jane was her given name.
Next up, another female, whose nickname I have found as “Maggie”, yes, for Margaret. Also reported to have the nickname of “Keaty” by the family history stories. She was Margaret Althea.
Next child reported in the family histories is a male who died at less than one year of age. I have no more information on him. Given name, Frank.
Next child, female, I have no nickname recorded, she lived to a ripe old age of 87. Name, Sarah Ann.
Next child, male, no information on death, burial or possible nickname. Given name, Eugene.
Next child, a male, lived a good long life, dying at age 82, his family history stories tell us he went by the name of "Big" because he was such a large boy. We do find in his adult years a nickname of “Link”. Given name, Lincoln Ellsworth.
The last of the 11 siblings was known as “Angel”. No explanation of the name was recorded in my database. Given name, Alice Matilda.
I have many nicknames in my data base, however, these are special, basically, because I have some family history stories as to why.
* Many MANY thanks to the researchers of this family that preceded me. Some as long ago as 100 years ago. Special thanks go to their descendants that continue the research and were very kind to share written works with me. Much of this information is based upon that research and that sharing.