Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence
Hezekiah Morris died intestate - leaving 2 children Everitt, & Peggy (cannot read rest)
(Following all lined through)
James Case is Guardian to Everitt
William Seeds married the widow - cannot read next 4 words -
be divided into 3 parts
(No longer lined out)
To the worshipful court of Isle of Wight County in chancery sitting hereby complaining ???? ??? to yr worships you your orater Everitt Morris an infant by James Casey his next friend (lined out: humbly complaining) that sometime in the year of a certain Hezekiah Morris departed this life intestate possessed by three (lined out ??????) negro slaves to wit Dempsy, Sam & Dick, that the said intestate also left a widow Amelia & two children to wit yr complr (Lined out & Everitt) & Peggy Morris who after the assessment of one third of the ??? ??? ?? ????? widow her life (lined out ??????? way) were equally entitled to the ?ernacncey? said slaves - - and yr complt further represents that being so entitled, the said Peggy has lately departed this life an infant & intestate by consequence where of the part(y) that would have gone to the said infant, Peggy, should now pass equally between yr complt & William Seeds who has intermarried with the widow a? ????? ???? ?????? a defend To th?? Bill Yr compl further states that the estate has been fully settled and all debts ????? ????? by the ???? to be equally
Pursuant to the ammended Decree of the Honorable Court of Isle of Wight County bearing date December Court 1814 We have proceeded to make division of the Slaves of which Hezekiah Morris Died Possessed, as in the Bill mentioned after having appraised the Same and have assigned
No. 1 to William Seeds in right of his wife Amelia as (Right of - - crossed off) her Dower therein
Negro Man Demps $350.00
And to receive from Lott No 2 16.66 2/3
$366.66 2/3
To Lott No 2 we have assigned Everitt Morris
Negro Man Sam $450.00
and to pay Lott No 1 16.66 2/3
And to Lott No 3 66.66 2/3
Negro Man Demps $350.00
And to receive from Lott No 2 16.66 2/3
$366.66 2/3
To Lott No 2 we have assigned Everitt Morris
Negro Man Sam $450.00
and to pay Lott No 1 16.66 2/3
And to Lott No 3 66.66 2/3
83.33 2/3
$366.66 2/3
To Lott No. 3 we have assigned Peggy Morris a decd Infant of Said Hezekiah Morris as her proportion of said Slaves
Negro Man Dick $300.00
And to receive from Lott No. 2 66.66 2/3
366.66 2/3
Lott No. 3 we have also proceeded to Divide between the complainant Everitt Morris and the Defendants William Seeds and Wife which one half of the land Seeds and wife are entitled to by the death of the said Peggy as well as the other half in consequence of having paid One Hundred Dollars to make the division
Equal between the Parties as mentioned in the foregoing Statements which said Negro Dick the Said defendants are entitled to in fee Simple which we Submit with due Difference to the Court, given under our hands and ??? this 8th day of December 1814 - -
Exum Eley
Isaac Vellines
David Dick
Jordan Parr
Isle of Wight County, December court 1814
Everitt Morris an infant by James Casey his gdn, Complt
against {{In Chancery
William Seeds & Amelia his wife, Defts.
By consent of parties by their attorney this day this bill and answer were filed and heard the ??? where upon this decree and ordered that Exum Eley, Isaac Vellines, David Dick & Jordan Parr or any three of them lay of and assign to the defendant William Seeds in right of his said Wife one third third of the slaves in the bill mentioned of which Hezekiah Morris died possessed and make equal division of the residue of said slaves between complainant Everitt Morris and Peggy Morris ?? ??? (looks like or decd) infants of said Hezekiah and that they make equal division of the part assigned to the said Peggy - between the complainant and defendants Seeds & wife It is further decreed & ordered that in order to effect the said division the said commissioners are authorized to make sale of ????? (of the - - which is lined out) said slave or slaves to the highest bidder for cash or credit as the said commissioners may think best. Make (?) report thereof to the court in order to a final decree - - Al???? Teste Nathl Young
$366.66 2/3
To Lott No. 3 we have assigned Peggy Morris a decd Infant of Said Hezekiah Morris as her proportion of said Slaves
Negro Man Dick $300.00
And to receive from Lott No. 2 66.66 2/3
366.66 2/3
Lott No. 3 we have also proceeded to Divide between the complainant Everitt Morris and the Defendants William Seeds and Wife which one half of the land Seeds and wife are entitled to by the death of the said Peggy as well as the other half in consequence of having paid One Hundred Dollars to make the division
Equal between the Parties as mentioned in the foregoing Statements which said Negro Dick the Said defendants are entitled to in fee Simple which we Submit with due Difference to the Court, given under our hands and ??? this 8th day of December 1814 - -
Exum Eley
Isaac Vellines
David Dick
Jordan Parr
Isle of Wight County, December court 1814
Everitt Morris an infant by James Casey his gdn, Complt
against {{In Chancery
William Seeds & Amelia his wife, Defts.
By consent of parties by their attorney this day this bill and answer were filed and heard the ??? where upon this decree and ordered that Exum Eley, Isaac Vellines, David Dick & Jordan Parr or any three of them lay of and assign to the defendant William Seeds in right of his said Wife one third third of the slaves in the bill mentioned of which Hezekiah Morris died possessed and make equal division of the residue of said slaves between complainant Everitt Morris and Peggy Morris ?? ??? (looks like or decd) infants of said Hezekiah and that they make equal division of the part assigned to the said Peggy - between the complainant and defendants Seeds & wife It is further decreed & ordered that in order to effect the said division the said commissioners are authorized to make sale of ????? (of the - - which is lined out) said slave or slaves to the highest bidder for cash or credit as the said commissioners may think best. Make (?) report thereof to the court in order to a final decree - - Al???? Teste Nathl Young
Good luck in your research.
