JULY 2013
We have driven to the Logan's Pass area once more, this time from the eastern side of the park, and now, we must turn and go down the mountain again. Reminder, we are driving the Going to the Sun Road.
Need to have a panoramic. I wish you could see this one on my monitor! SIGH
And, we need waterfalls, there is one, see it so far off in the distance?
Yes, let's zoom in on that one.
Nearby our turnout/parking spot, right on the road, is this lovely waterfall, people love to go stand in the mist.
And, here is one more water fall, which, if I remember correctly, I had to lean and stretch to capture. These water falls, I believe, are along Reynolds Creek and Lunch Creek.
I cannot stop my awe, look at that upside down bowl affect, almost perfect in shape, Mother Nature is so awesome. On Google maps, this is very near an area they call Big Drift.
You can see, it was quite overcast this day. My new photo editing software has a "haze" removal tool. I think I like it! This is Saint Mary Lake. Saint Mary Lake is rather long, this is at the western end (we are heading east).
We will see more on this long day. I have previewed about half of the photos of the almost 500 I took that day. We are a little over half way through them. Lots more fun and interesting things to see. Many more blog posts.
