The research/consolidation project continues, and sometimes it leads me to places I have never been before. This is good, I learn, and, expand my family history.
Recently I was working some descendants of the Remley clan, I found information on 2 sisters, daughters of Jefferson Grant and his wife, Rachel Hargroves/Hargraves. While working descendants of one of the sisters, I found a hint to look at the data base of Deaths of Citizens Abroad (I accessed via my subscription to Ancestry dot com). I have never used this record set, but, there was one of the descendants.
Leo was the son of James Leo Sanchez and his wife, Susan Tan Sanchez. Currently I have recorded his place of death as "France". I probably should change it to read, "off the coast of France". (Noting that data bases such as Legacy are not happy with off the coast of, maybe "at sea"?)
Susan was the daughter of Henry H (possibly Hughes) Tan and his wife, Francis Leonella Grant.
Susan was the daughter of Henry H (possibly Hughes) Tan and his wife, Francis Leonella Grant.
Frances was the daughter of Jefferson Grant and his wife Rachel Hargroves/Hargraves.
Leo died on February 15th, but, was not laid to rest in Savannah until March 7th. That must have been a long almost 3 weeks for his family. His Find A Grave memorial can be found here.
Leo died on February 15th, but, was not laid to rest in Savannah until March 7th. That must have been a long almost 3 weeks for his family. His Find A Grave memorial can be found here.
These are South Carolina families, back to the Civil War era. I have not been able to trace it much further, due to the burned records. Seeing that this is the first breakthrough I have had in this line in over 10 years, I am quite happy to be working on it once more.

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