We attended horse camp with the grandtwins, the wedding of the daughter of a dear friend, the Montana fall rally, and visited way too many doctors and dentists. SIGH. Fighting the ravages of older age takes time and effort. And, some times a few steps backward, or sideways ?? This summer the Demon battle took a long step backwards, as a medication I was started on created much havoc. Recently, I was put on insulin, those new little pens are interesting.
We lost our beloved little Cappy and I lost a dear friend, all too soon. Somehow the summer slipped by and the yard work here at the stick built never was finished, heavens, it was barely begun.
Tana had a bit of a do over this summer. She has reached the ripe age of 12.5 years. I now consider her to be the “Heritage RV”. I have continued to raid the house (and purchased a few little decorations) to add to the “heritage” theme.
Below are "hot pads", hand stitched, believed to be done and owned by Man's mother.
It took me a few weeks to find these crocheted doileys, as I had them stashed away for safe keeping. They are part of a tea set my great-grandmother Lorena made for her daughter, Rena (whom for some reason, I always called Susie). Lorena mailed them to Susie in the early 1940s when Susie was living in Alameda California.
Here is a close up, I folded each doily in half and pinned to the back of the window valances.
Here is a view of the entire window. I did 4 windows this way, the ones in the living room slide. There is a matching small runner that I can use on top of the new cabinet. The pictures are ok, but, I think it looks much better in person.
Man and I have decided to start this winter’s getaway on the east coast, hoping to make stops in North Carolina and points down into Florida. He has never been to Key West and so, we have booked 4 nights there and 3 more in Key Largo. The Christmas holiday will be spend in Fort Lauderdale. After that, well, we have NO clue.
Hopefully the winter will be just a little less stressful than this summer has been. If you live in North Carolina or states south we would love to hear from you, maybe we can stop along the way and have a visit, a cocktail or a quick cup of coffee and a hug.
