Sunday, August 11, 2019

White Pass, Let's Go For a Train Ride: The Estate Takes on Alaska

Copyright 2019, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

August 3, 2019

It’s sunny.  There are blue skies.  Only 

Very few days here like that they tell us. We walk up town - - 

These two were the star attractions this morning.  They were cute as could be.  I hope they were not left there too long in the warm sun.

Town for early lunch.  Beer. By 11. Man says we need fortification before we get on the train, something about the steep drop offs.

Train ride. To White Pass. 

This statue is near the train station, it represents the Klondike gold rush men.  I can hear them, can't you?  "This way Sam, there be gold in them mountains."

Our ride today - -

Abandoned bridge - - 

It was not capable of carrying the weight of many of the new engines, and thanks, but, no thanks, after years of neglect, I'd prefer to stay on the new track/bridge.  If I have the facts right, this was the tallest cantilever bridge in the world, built 1901, retired 1969.

Must have a waterfall, or two - -

Looking back to the harbor of Skagway.

The earlier train headed back down the mountain.  We would pass this one a few minutes later.

I took this into the sun, knowing there would be no detail, but, look at that silhouette.

Near White Pass the scenery changes quite dramatically.

And, that teal water. SIGH

Looks like a moon scape or something.

This is one of the trails the 1898 gold rush participants took up to the Yukon.  It's that light green thin line extending from one side to the other.  It is narrow, oh, so narrow.  They were taking pack animals and gear up this trail.  I would not want to attempt to walk/hike it, and cannot begin to imagine a horse covering this trail.

The water at this point is rushing to the sea, it is milky grey, laden with glacier silt.

When a tree jumps up in front of your camera.  You have no idea how many shots go to the Recycle Bin - - all look similar to this - -

Back after our ride, we took in a movie at the Klondike National Park visitors center. Again, we walk away with awe and respect for those that came before us.

Back at camp, Man decides to go watch the cruise ships leave the harbor, I decide to sit out that experience, partially due to the wind.  Whew, those aspens sure make a racket when there are winds.  I checked the weather app which says the winds are any 4 MPH, I am telling you there is NO way, it’s more like 15 to 20.  One time The Estate shook from the effect.

The skies are still blue, and it is wonderful!  Oh, and it is getting dark at night now.  Dark, sleeping dark!  LOL  

* Edited to add the route we took on the train from Skagway to White Pass (and a bit beyond) goes from 0 feet to almost 3,000 feet in 20 miles, with a few steep grades that measure about 3.9%.  The White Pass & Yukon Route is a International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark, so designated in 1994.


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