Thursday, January 11, 2024

Origins, In Brief, Sorta, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

Copyright 2024, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

Thanks to Amy Johnson Crow, who year after year posts "challenges" her followers to share thoughts and/or photos in whatever manner suits each individual. Blogs, social media, or just in your personal memories. I have played before, and will play along a bit this year, God willing and the creek don't rise.

This week's challenge is: Origins.

Right off I remembered this fun chart from 2016:

A bit of the back story on this - - in March of 2016, J Paul Hawthorne posted his chart on Facebook.  It was wildly and delightfully duplicated.  It was such a fun week or so.  He even blogged about it over at his blog, GeneaSpy, see his post of March 26, 2016.  

So, each block represents part of my pedigree chart.  Yes, starting with me.  You will see this goes back as far as my great-great grandparents.  

Yesterday I studied each of these great-greats and traced those lines back as far as I could, did I have any idea where they may have come from before jumping the pond?

Yes, and no.

Now, the disclaimer, for the past couple of years, I have not done any updating, or review of research on these ggggg (however many greats) grandparents, or their origins.  So, this is information collected in prior research.  There is nothing like review and more review of prior research.  By doing so, we may find new ideas, information, hints, and new documentation.  However, for now, this is what prior research has told us about the possible origins of my 16 great-great grandparents.

(By square number, starting at the top right, and working down that entire row.)

1.  Wales

2 thru 6, have no clue

7. England

8. England, or possibly Wales

9. Possibly Alsace France

10. Germany

11.  Germany

12.  Possibly Germany.

13. Switzerland

14.  France

15.  Switzerland

16.  England (possibly French Hugenots prior to England.)

Interestingly enough, these do remind me of the heritage claims of my grandparents when asked.  

And, I will admit, I am now itching to review and see if I can discover more.  Will I??  Stay tuned.

* Remember, links fail.  They change, they morf, they disappear.  That is why for the most part, I no longer use them.  I made and exception in this post. 

** The chart was worked on a spreadsheet, see the blog post by J Paul.

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