Friday, April 21, 2023

Gardening Jokes, Or Not.

Copyright 2023, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

Yesterday's gardening 'joke on Carol' story.  As told on social media, yesterday.


The pansies have been coming in and out of the house depending on the "freeze warnings".  They have been in for like 2 or 3 days this time.

This morning I look at them and find them pretty much covered in aphids, IN MY HOUSE!  I am not a happy gardener.  NOT.  ONE.  BIT.  HAPPY.

Pansies make a speedy and immediate exit to the deck.  A few hours later I go out and give them a good spray with the hose, to wash the aphids off.  I'll just keep having to do that.

SOOOOOO, after I scrub the table surface off with some disinfectant wipes (pansies were ON the table, not on the floor) - - - - 

I am watering a few other plants and moving them around on the table.

So, I pick up a plant (it has long droopy stems/leaves) to move it, I unearth (yes, I went there, live with it) ON MY TABLE - -  

A tree frog!!  Who is well over 1 inch long, so, this is no baby frog, eh??

Did you know that tree frogs chirp?  Or chatter?  Well, they make some song thingy. We have been hearing chirping for a couple of days, quite loud, LOUD.

You know, now we know why that chirping was so loud.  That buggar was NOT on the deck door to the front room, he was IN MY KITCHEN for the last couple of days.

It's been a day.  Man scooped up our froggie friend and put him outside on the pansie.  They belong together.

This is a photo from spring 2021.  That little buggar may very well be the exact same one we tossed out yesterday.  He was sitting on a plant I had outside, brought in for a cold night or two.  I recognize the kitchen table surface.  Or, this is a cousin of the one we found yesterday.  Persistent isn't it??

Ya, joke is on Carol.


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