Thursday, August 30, 2018

On to Deming, Texas Canyon Rest Stop, Winter Sojourn 2014-15

Copyright 2018, CABS for Reflections From the Fence


We leave Deming and drive west, next stop Benson Arizona, it is a run of about 170 miles.

When we roll I take photos, sometimes epic amounts, other times, just a few.  Sometimes I take photos in such a hurry I have no idea if I have a total blur or what I hoped for.  Sometimes I take them to challenge my ability to capture anything at 65 MHP with Sony on zoom.  I delete the really crummy photos.  Here are a few I managed to salvage, and yes, most of them were digitally edited a bit. Taking photos through Jolly tinted windows changes the color and sometimes results in a lot of haze, I play with the photos while preparing to post.  Cause I can.  LOL

Heading west - -

Sony and GPS and Google tell me this is near Steins New Mexico:

I'll admit, all that rust intrigues my artist/history/researcher soul.  So, have a read here.  You will note in this photo there is a dude in a orange top and a white pick up truck.  Nope, I have no idea why - -

I took quite a few photos of the mountain top and the cloud covering it.

And, of course, a LONG LONG train.  So many LONG LONG trains out here. And, this one has a mountain with a cloud hat - -

Each time we drive this section of highway we stop at the Texas Canyon Rest Stop, these photos will show you why.  The shapes, the shapes.

Let's go panoramic:

And, because it is a rest stop on both sides, east and west bound, Sony zooms on the east bound scenery:

And, again, panoramic:

We will spend a few days in Benson, will visit Tombstone and Bisbee while there, favorite tourists spots.  Then, it will be on to Tucson for the holidays.


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Santa Rita Copper Mine and Geological Shapes, Winter Sojourn 2014-15

Copyright 2018, CABS for Reflections From the Fence


Our day trip from Deming continues. We left Silver City, traveling east on 152.  Next stop, the Santa Rita Copper Mine (viewing area). There is a nice area to pull off your vehicle and there are a number of signs explaining the history and the mine.

As always, for me, it is the wonder of the color and shapes:

This formation is called the Kneeling Nun.  (Sony and I tried, but, this was pretty hard to get in focus from our vantage point.)

We continued our ride east till we hit 61, where we turned south.  Yes, it is all about the shapes.  

Well, what have we here?  Plenty of shapes.  I'll show you lots more of this wonder next time here at Reflections.  (Sound like a commercial, don't I?)


City of Rocks State Park, New Mexico, Winter Sojourn 2014-15

Copyright 2018, CABS for Reflections From the Fence


Let's finish our day trip out of Deming, New Mexico.  This is where we are now and will spend the rest of our day and this post right here.  The park is one square mile consisting of 34.9 million year old volcanic rock formations

You know me, it's all about the formations, and boy, do we have formations!!

And, we have formations with a campsite.  Too small for Tana, but, if we ever get The Estate out this way, we would fit!

Balancing act!

And, you can wander between the giants:

Panoramic photos don't translate well to Blogger, but, I still cannot resist trying to share.

Look close, in the middle, the dark area.  Ya, Man.

We try to capture the magnificent expanses, we fail.

Let's get a up front and close encounter:

I had trouble deciding on the true view:

Or the zoomed view:


From a high vantage point, this is just about the entire formation area.

One more panoramic:

Our day was ending and the sun was setting, it was awesome:

Next we will visit the Tombstone and Bisbee areas. But, first, I will share some travel photos from Deming to the Texas Canyon Rest Stop.


Monday, August 27, 2018

Silver City New Mexico, Winter Sojourn 2014-14

Copyright 2018, CABS for Reflections From the Fence


We spent a delightful day visiting Silver City and other points between Deming and Silver City.  I'll need more than one blog post as I took close to 200 photos and while previewing, I realized that I had too many for one post, so, let's get started shall we?

We arrived in Silver City and parked at the visitors center, we would walk the rest of our visit while parked here.

We crossed "The Big Ditch".  Many photo ops:

The teal, the teal - -

We are discovering this is a city of art, and I am loving it!!

Like this gate - -

And, let Sony do the zoom!  Yes, glass shards in the fence header/top.  This reminds me of our days in Morocco.  A world away, and yet not.

Yes, we are fans of murals too:

On the walls outside a personal residence I believe (if I remember correctly almost 5 years later.) . Loving the colors, especially the purple, of course, you know that.

Again, on an outside wall:

Seriously, what's NOT to love?  Ya, would have been better if the cars had not been parked there.  We shall forgive them tho.

It was December 1st, fall weather and colors abound.  I could sit here for a long time.

Back near the visitors center.  Ron Howard gifted this 1870's era log cabin, you know when Billy the Kid lived very close to this spot.  See the movie "The Missing", 2003.

The interior, 3 shots:

While visiting Silver City we had a nice lunch in a local bar, I do believe an adult beverage may have been included?  Then we went for a wonderful ride.  Stay tuned - -
