Saturday, June 24, 2017

Granted a License to Sell Milk, 1897 Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

Now and then I find a news article a bit out of the ordinary, no police stuff, no wedding stuff, just well - - 

This is from the November 22, 1897 issue of the Star Tribune, published in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota.

It is a notice of the granting of licenses for residents of the city of Minneapolis to sell, MILK.  Not booze, no moonshine, MILK!

I'm going out on a limb here to suggest that it may require a milk cow near the property to accomplish this, unless, of course, they go by vehicle to farms outside of the city limits to get their milk, daily??  No matter, the fun part here is:

H. W. Lashbrook, 3114 Morgan avenue north.

Who is in fact, W. H. Lashbrook (slight typo there), Man's great-grandfather, Wallace Henry Lashbrook.

The license appears to be valid for 6 months.

Yes, we researchers DO love our newspapers.

* Clipping courtesy of I have a subscription there, which I pay for.  Please see my Disclaimers Page at the top of this blog.


Thursday, June 22, 2017

You Called Me "a Damned Rogue and a Tory"?

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

The family research continues, as does the consolidation projects.  Today, I found copies from a transcription type compiled records book titled, "Tattnall County, Georgia Loose Papers, 1801 - 1845, Volume One".  The work was abstracted by Sabina J. Murray and Compiled by the Huxford Genealogical Society.  I copied these pages a long while ago. (As in several years ago, maybe as far back as 2008.  Yea, really!!)

Here are a few entries from this work, all having to do with one Steven/Stephen Bowen.

     "April Term 1816- [Indictment]  The Grand Jury indicted Daniel Highsmith, yeoman, for assulating Steven Bowen at the house of James Handcock on 9 October 1815.
(True Bill)      Alex M. Allen, Atto. Genl.
The defendant, being an old man, is sentenced to pay a fine of $15., costs of prosecution, and then be discharged."
(Note - - I am having trouble with this last line, in view of all the following, subsequent entries.)

     "5 August 1816 -[Petition]  Stephen Bowen says he is not ready to come to trial this term with Daniel Highsmith for want of evidence which he has used all lawful means to obtain.
Wm. Johnson, J.P."

     "9 April 1817 - [Affidavit] Stephen Bowen says Daniel Highsmith abused and ill-treated him without any attempt on the part of Bowen.  Bowen admits he did make use of some harsh expressions such as that Highsmith was not a man of truth, but was provoked to it by a shower of abuse on the part of the defendant.
Jas. Perry, Clk.
A. M. Allen, Pltff. Atto."

"9 April 1817 - [Affadivit]  Personally appeared Daniel Highsmith, the defendant in an indictment, the State vs Highsmith, who being sworn saith that Stephen Bowen, the prosecutor, did on the 9 October 1815 make use of the most opprobrious epithets calling this deponent "a damned Rogue and a Tory", standing in a threatening attitude which caused this deponent in the heat of passion after (having warned the prosecutor not to repeat the same again) which he did to make a slight assault on the prosecution by striking the prosecutor with the arm and not the fist of the deponent, which was alone induced by the provoking language of the prosecutor used to this defendant.
John T. Sharpe, J. P."

"9 April 1817 - [Affidavit]  Arthur Boyd says on 10 October 1815 he came to the house of James Handcock and while Daniel Highsmith was lying on the floor of the house and Stephen Bowen was standing over him abusing Highsmith by calling him a Rogue or Tory, Highsmith warned Bowen not to repeat the names again, if he did he would strike him. Bowen repeated the names.  Highsmith arose and struck or shoved Bowen with his arm.  Arthur Boyd believes the assault would not have been made if the prosecutor had not used such language and persisted in the same.
John T. Sharpe, J. P."

"9 April 1817 -[Affidavit]  James Handcock says Daniel Highsmith was abusing Stephen Bowen at Handcock's house on 10 October 1815.  Handcock was afraid Daniel Highsmith would attack Bowen so he took him by the arm and led him away.  Highsmith threatened Bowen and James Handcock believes if it had not been for his intervention Highsmith would have attacked him.
James Perry, Clerk"

OK, now.  Seems Daniel took a bit unkindly to be called a "damned Rogue and a Tory". Imagine that?

It also seems that Daniel and Stephen Bowen are in-laws.  Or, in this case, out-laws??  I am still figuring it out, but, Daniel is either a brother-in-law or heaven forbid, a father-in-law.  See Stephen Bowen married Rachel Highsmith, reported to be a daughter of one Daniel.  

I am still building the families, but, there are a number of Daniels.  Two, maybe three, father, son, grandson.

I have no idea if James Handcock is kin, I don't think so.  

Of course, in this time frame, it gets pretty interesting and frankly, difficult to research. Sometimes these little snippets prove or disprove family trees I see floating around, even my own!  LOL

Believe me, this was not the only tuff between Bowen clan members I found in this book. There is the case of Bani Boyd, or Banish/Baniah Boyd, with  wife, or maybe a companion, by the name of Nancy Bird (daughter of Andrew) who was a bit underage when Bani reportedly "stole" her.  That case was dated 1816.  And, the fact that I do have a Bani Boyd who married a Nancy Bowen in 1811. Nancy Bowen would have been about 18 years of age in 1811, give or take.  And, he married another lady in 1821.

And, there is Mary Ann Bowen who in 1832 states she was "violently assaulted and roughly handled by Wade W. Coleman" and attempted to rape her.  I have not even tried to figure out who her parents were - - yet - - I will.

And, there is one named Daniel Highsmith who married a Millie in 1816, and even though he has tried to be a good husband, "Millie has beat his daughter and done other malicious acts.  He wants a divorce."

As I review the pages I have from this book I keep finding more and more "tifts" that involve Bowen and Highsmith clan members.  

Oh, yea, these pages are packed with rogues, rape, beatings, divorce and a accusation of being a "damned Tory" now and then.

*  In case you wondered, as did I:

1.  conveying or expressing opprobrium, as language or a speaker:
opprobrious invectives.
2. outrageously disgraceful or shameful:
opprobrious conduct.

Yea, that!

** And, if you are curious about Tories - - there is a LONG article at Wikipedia about Loyalists during the American Revolution.

*** Photo courtesy of Pixabay and WilliamCho

**** Image chosen because I could not locate something appropriate using the search term Tory or Rogue.  Just sayin - -


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Two Medicine Lake and Glacier Park Lodge

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

July    2013

Before we end this wonderful day trip, we head to Two Medicine Lake.   The views along the way, again, breathtaking.  Yes, I am about out of adjectives.

We stopped at the Two Medicine General Store, I am usually a sucker for photos of mountains with plants of some type in front.  Yep, got me again, taken from the porch area of the store.

Two Medicine Lake.

There are kayak rentals, two boaters enjoying the afternoon.

Reluctantly, we head back towards East Glacier Park Village, enjoying the views every single mile!

At Glacier Park Lodge we find this memorial from 1932, recognizing the long friendship between Canada and America.

The grounds at the lodge were very pretty, daisies of some kind, full bloom.  I note there appear to be some columbine in the far back on the left.

The Red Bus.  You can take the Red Bus all the way to Logan's Pass.  Tours leave from both the west and east side of the park.  The buses were built by the White Motor Company between 1936 and 1939.

And, look at this, Propane powered.

Inside the Glacier Park Lodge.  It is really just too beautiful to capture, so, here is just a glimpse.

As we leave the lodge and head back to camp along US 2, we once again pass some fantastic art.

It's been quite the day.  The following day, the first of August we drove Going to the Sun Road from the east towards Logans' Pass, and took a boat ride at Many Glacier and I took 474 photos, give or take.  It's gonna take some time to review and post the best of the best of 474!  Stay tuned!


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Running Eagle Falls, Glacier National Park

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

July     2013

We have stopped our drive along Two Medicine Road at the Running Eagle Falls area. We are going to be stunned by the uniqueness and beautfy.

The falls are about .3 (one way) of a mile walk/hike from the parking area, it is considered an easy walk, as the elevation gain is only about 15 feet or so.  

The trail starts out like this:

It is a handicap accessible trail.  That said, there is this little foot bridge, which I am going say, is not handicap accessible.  At least, I am not sure I would consider it wheel chair accessible.  Man is over there waiting for me.  

I am, as always lagging behind, taking photos:

The crystal clear water, gorgeous:

And, here are the falls:

I took many photos, ya, I did!  Don't giggle so hard, you know I did!

Looking with the zoom, you can see that the water comes out from in between and under the rock ledge above.  Not sure we have ever seen a waterfall that does not flow over the TOP of the rocks.

No words, just beauty.

And, yes, I found flowers:

One last look at this unusual and beautiful water fall, then, we are off to the next adventure of the afternoon.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Heading to Two Medicine, Glacier National Park

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

July     2013

After our short drive from Coram to Essex Montana, we had plenty of day left to start visiting the east side of Glacier.   We chose to visit the Two Medicine area.  It was a good choice.  So, off we go, heading east on US 2.

It's hard to believe snow on the mountains, at the end of July.  Man and I are wearing shorts!   LOL

Man and I find it interesting to keep tabs on our altitude.  The two times I did during this day, we were at about 5250 feet and 4900 feet.

The shale look to this hill captured my interest, as do most rock formations.

This was in East Glacier Park Village.  Isn't it stunning?

We headed out of the village on Two Medicine Road, it was a lovely drive.

The road was good, it will eventually pass Lower Two Medicine Lake.

Yes, more snow up there, I am not sure of the name of the mountain.  Nor am I sure if that is snow pack or one of the 20 some glaciers that were left in Glacier in 2013.

Not far past Lower Two Medicine Lake we pull of at the Running Eagle Falls.  These daisy like flowers are a light purple.  You know I had to stop and photograph them a bit.

See the orange and yellow and black blur right between the two flowers?

There, it stopped for a moment to feed.  I don't want to touch or bother it, but, it is fun to try to "stop the action" and capture it with Sony.

We would walk/hike around Running Eagle Falls.  Perhaps one of the most unusual falls we have seen.  We have seen tall ones, wide ones, doubles (2 wide in one space), triples, some with just a trickle of water, and others with massive amounts of water.  But, I don't think we have ever seen one like Running Eagle.  I'll show you soon.


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Coram to Essex, Montana

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

July         2013

We reluctantly leave Coram Montana and head east.  But, we only travel 40 miles to a new campground, near Essex Montana.  This would give us easier access to the east side of Glacier National Park, well, shorter access, 40 miles closer to the East entrance. Considering that we would be in the area for about 1 week, this savings added up.  Time and energy matter.  LOL

We are driving US 2, which would take us all the way to northern Michigan, if we care to take that route - - 

Need some big ole walls of stone - -

We are driving along the Middle Flathead River, it has that tell tale teal glacier melt color. Note the train tracks, later this week we will have some fun with "trains".

Seems I am getting quite good at capturing boaters enjoying the water - - behind trees - -

The evergreens are TALL! Water lovely.  Even the roadway is "pretty" in it's own way.

Believe this area is near Goat Lick, we will visit Goat Lick later in the week.

We have no idea who was in that rig, you may pretend that is Tana if you like, come along, follow us.

Our home base for the next week.  I loved it, quiet, and believe it or not, the mornings were stunning there, there was this foggy morning, I'll show you later.

The day is young, so, we set up Tana, and off we go to explore, next up, Two Medicine, flowers, a spectacular water fall, a bit of a hike, a few bees and lots lots more - -
