Monday, February 27, 2017

The 35 Sunsets of Arizona, 2016-2017 Winter

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

Man and I have been staying in mid-Arizona since about December 1st.  Our stay here is growing short and even tho it is entirely possible that I will get some more sunset photos, I thought since it was raining today, that I would process some of the best of the last 3 months of sunset photos and just blast you with them all at one time!

Sunsets are "prettiest" in my opinion when there are some clouds to bounce around all that light.  They change color and their look rapidly, every minute they appear different, even if I don't move 2 feet from my vantage point.

These were taken from around this campground, there is a large RV storage area between the campground and the sun setting.  You may see the tops of RV's in some of these photos.  Oh, and a few electric lines.  Try to think of that as adding interest.  LOL  The rest of the story here is, that the storage area has a no trespassing sign, and I am too lazy to go find another vantage point to take photos.

I might add, that I have come to realize that those minutes of taking sunset photos are some of the happiest and most peaceful of my days.  Yes, I do like them that much.

Without further ado, here ya go, 35 sunsets from mid Arizona.

I hope you enjoyed seeing these as much as I have enjoyed being here taking them.

Peace - - -

Saturday, February 25, 2017

High at Sunrise, Mount Rainier, Washington, 2013

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

In July of 2013, read that slowly, again, 2013, Man and I spent the 4th of July in Packwood, Washington, in the shadow of Mount Rainier National Park.

One of our day trips was to drive to Sunshine, at the elevation of 6,400 feet, Sunrise is the highest point that can be reached by vehicle at Mount Rainier National Park.

This photo attempts to show how tall the trees were along this roadway:

We were climbing in altitude quite quickly, at one point, I recorded that we went up 1,428 feet in 8 minutes.  Later it would take us about 40 minutes to climb from 3620 feet to 6088 feet.  That included pull offs and photo ops stops.

I am in no way proud of or happy with this photo, but, it is the only one I have that captures the road, tall trees, stone walls and narrow roadway. It also captures reflections, lots of glare and the top of Jolly's windshield, as well as the very end of the hood.

THIS photo, however, I am delighted with:

Tall trees, Sony zoom, and a LONG water fall:

Mountain top:

Now, look closely, you will see 3 bikers, riding at about 4500 feet elevation.  Much of the roadway has little shoulders, some places NO shoulder.  I understand they have every right to the roadway, but, seriously, there is no way I would attempt this.  Even if I was in the physical shape it must take to undertake such a ride, which, I have not been in years. Honestly, these riders scare me, I worry that they will fall into Jolly's path.

Seriously, I could not take enough photos, but about 160 had to do for the day.  LOL


I believe this is Sunrise Lake, the tourquoise color is common near glaciers.  We will see that phenomenon again in Glacier National Park in a few weeks (remember, this is from 2013).

There was a wonderful stop with fantastic views.  Some people even sat there and enjoyed a picnic lunch.

See the narrow roadway.  See the mountains with clouds below the tops - - 

At the top/visitor's center, we grabbed our picnic lunch and walked to where the snow/glaciers were:

Picnic table told a story:

Boys and snow = snowballs:

In the visitor's center there was another one of these 3D type maps, which are huge, lookie all those glacier names:

Flower power, it is, after all, July:

One of our last stops of the day was at the campground.  Now, I know a bunch of you think I am brave for riding up and down mountains, looking down off the sharp drop offs, at tree tops, etc.  I am NOT brave enough to camp here:

One last glorious view, as we head back to camp for the day:

We had a wonderful day trip to Sunrise.
