Man's mother came up with this one sometime in the last year of her life. We thought it was very clever of her, as she was legally blind. Keep the rings or earrings (really works great for the earrings!) separated and the container is easily obtainable, light weight, snug locks, reasonable size. They might even be stackable if you purchased all the same kinds, something to consider if you purchase new.
Would be great for RVers, researchers, and anyone who loves earrings and rings. Would pack great for a vacation and can be used for every day life in a rig or in a stickbuilt.
No tangles, no misplaced earrings (huge issue for me, I am horrible about earrings, take em off and lay em down, one time I even threw a brand new pair in the garbage with paper that was on my desk).
I would just have to remember to take the earrings off and actually PLACE them in the pill box! LOL
This is a great idea! I think I will get one for my mom, and one for me! My necklace's are always getting tangled up!
What a great idea! Very clever!
Brilliant idea! Just need to look at objects with an open mind. I get a kick out of the "Grasshopper hoppeth" too. Thanks for dropping by my blog! We've been out of touch for a while, and it was so nice to see you photo and comment. Happy RV-ing. We met a couple in N.M. in May --been on the road for two years. Sold all they had and now just the Airstream and their dog. Lovely.
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